

Flying was by far your favourite lesson especially when your broom shot up first try before anyone else. Of course, you had also had the funniest lessons with Bellatrix who would always laugh when she saw a spark go up you from catching the broom. You remembered her saying "It's like you experience your first time catching the broom every time you lucky girl" As you look back up you notice the teacher talking and decide to pay attention.

"Be ready to fly child-"

Before she could even finish her sentence Neville went flying and was trying not to be thrown off his broom, you quickly grab your broom and catch him just as he let go. You help him up on your broom as you fly back to the ground he was holding on to you for dear life, he looked like he had been petrified. "20 points for Gryffindor for amazing flying! Miss. Riddle, I hope you understand that if you hadn't caught him things would be a lot worse. Now, well I take him to Madam Pomfrey NO FLYING" she quickly rushed off.

You look up and see McGonagall smiling at you, you smile back and she winks at you.

"Look what Longbottom dropped," Draco said holding Nevilles remembrall "Maybe if he gave this a squeeze he'd remember not to rely on blood traitors" He glared at you, you held eye contact for a second until you hear Harry say "Oh shut up Malfoy she's a better witch than you'll ever be! Now give it back Malfoy it's not yours" he looked dead straight at harry clearly dropping the fight about me and sticking to Nevilles remembrall.

"No I don't think I will, in fact, I think I'll leave it somewhere for him to find" As Malfoy gets on his broom so does Harry a new voice then says "No Harry you heard Mrs Hooch no flying you'll get in trouble!" Harry ignores her and winks at you before flying up as you hear the girl call him an idiot "Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Draco looked worried for a second but quickly whipped it off and threw the ball "if you want it so badly fetch" Harry flys right down barely missing the ground when he catches it.

You look up to see Mcgonagall is gone until you hear...

"Mr Potter, Miss. Riddle, please come with me" You were confused about why she wanted you, you hadn't done anything. Draco laughed and you glared at him making him shut up you were quite proud of yourself nobody can get Malfoy to shut up usually.

"Professor Quirrell excuse me but may I borrow wood for a moment, please?" Oh god is she going to hit us with it? No Mcgonagall would never. "Potter, Riddle this is Oliver Wood. Oliver, I've found you a seeker and a catcher." As she walks off I realize something Harry and I just got on the quidditch team! "Hi! I'm Oliver I'll be your team captain which one of you is which?" I look at Harry and respond "Well I assume I'm catcher because of the fact I CAUGHT Longbottom" Oliver and Harry chuckled at your corny pun" Harry's definitely seeker" I explain what happened and Oliver stood amazed. "You should get back to class Oliver see you tomorrow!"

"Harry?" "Yes Y/N?" "WE JUST GOT ON THE GRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH TEAM!" You started jumping up and down. He looks a little confused and then it sinks in you both are so excited to tell everyone!!

As we walk into the dining hall we were somehow ten minutes late as Ron spots us he runs up to me and tackles me to the floor and says "I THOUGHT YOU WERE EXPELLED!" We chuckle as he gets off me so we can walk to our table everyone was staring and I smiled nicely so they would look back which they did but those that didn't got the coldest glare possible. As we tell Ron he makes it his duty to scream it out to everyone. The whole Gryffindor table cheers holding Harry and me up on their shoulders. Draco smiled at me looking at me with a new emotion... was he proud of me?

After dinner ends I realized I hadn't eaten all day and so had Ron because he snuck me food to eat and asked me why and to be perfectly honest I had no idea. I thanked him and as soon as I finished eating half the year one Gryffindors got in a pillow fight with me and Ron.

You had made so many, new friends... So why did you still feel so lonely?
