
Chapter - 97 He deserves better

I can see a message on that same group, it says

"Poor Ansfrid, he has fallen for a whore, he deserves much better than this Luciana whore" the message was on the group, as soon as I read that message my eyes got teary, I got goosebumps, my heart started screaming, screaming because of sadness, I became sad, I start to think that he really did deserve so much better than me, I don't deserve him, he deserves so much better, so much better than a whore like me, wait, am I really a whore? I don't wanna live, he will find so much better girl than me for himself, I should go away from his life, from here

"What happened?" Karlie ask, Karlie and Laila they both are staring at me as the tears rolled down from my eyes

"Sorry" I said as I wipe the tears and stand up, I am going to the doors, I can hear the boys laughing at me
