
The Sun Young Master

So I have been almost naked this whole time!

This is bad, but then again nothing I can do about it. Usually, I would ask some kind passerby to help me but there are none. Seriously, screw these merchants!

Oh well, it can't be helped that they are wary, but it still annoys me. They didn't have to add insult to injury at least.

Alright, they don't want us to follow them, but they are slower than us and kinda taking all the road. We can make a detour around them, but it would take a while. For now, we'll just camp on the side and spend the night here.

It won't be too late to be on our way tomorrow. I'm tired of walking anyway. Not physically that much, but it did become boring quickly.

At some point, I tried riding the unicorn for a change of pace, but it started making pretty weird noises. I jumped off quickly even if it kept telling me to ride it and not to be shy.

Like seriously I felt it almost became dangerous.
