
An Evil In The Forest (1/2)


Stay away from the moon keep he said. At all costs.

How laughable? We getting summoned by the undeath deity. Ubruk was it?

A being that tries his best to look intimidating. One that speaks grandly of conquering this world.

You want to make us your champion? Haha as if. There were many others like him. Many many others.

They used to look down upon us. Used to tell us about the way of the world. The commoners obeying the nobles. The poor slaving away for the wealthy.

Hehe. We showed them all. Made them us.

At first, they were scared. Then they became us. The fear became irrelevant. First, extract the soul. Strip away all the useless parts. Keep only the most basic essence of it. After comes fusion.

They called the original a madman. They called it a devil. A fool. Many names. But our existence proves everything. There is nothing we can't overcome. Every new enemy an opportunity for growth. Every challenge nothing but a matter of time.

In the face of death all are equal they said.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH. What a joke. Death? What is that? Death?

HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Please. For one such as us, there is no death. No life either.

We simply exist. Are. And always be.

The closest we've been to death is part of our soul getting annihilated.

But so what? Our soul is as vast as an ocean. What if a few droplets go missing?

Can just replenish all quickly. At this point, we pursue quality rather than quantity.

No amount of worthless peasant souls can make a difference at this point.

We know for we have tried. Slaughtering millions is a long endeavor. The weak struggle and clutch to life as if it was something precious. How annoying. They don't even realize how pointless their own existence even is. They have no purpose. Happiness? What is that? Can happiness make one more powerful? Can it help you slaughter your enemies? Not.

Emotions are a waste of time. All besides fear and anger. Oh. Fear and anger are the best.

The more the anguish, the more hateful the soul, the more power it can manifest.

We learned to use this trick. Never simply terminate life. Make it end in the most efficient way possible. The dark emotions let one burn the soul for more power.

The best being the useless parts disappear first.

One's identity. One's attachment to life. One's memories.

Until nothing but a husk of the former self remains.

That is when the soul is ripe for the picking.

We used to be pitiful humans ourselves.

No more. We became more. We became …us.

That is why we despise that so-called deity. He is but a single pitiful soul. One that seems to have found a way to power, but still ruled by fear.

An undead lord ruled by fear? HAHAHAHAHA How ironic!

We have left all these emotions behind a long time ago. Made fear a part of our being.

What kind of "god" fears a puny rank 3 necromancer. Grey was it? One that worships a so-called Lunar goddess. What kind of necromancer worships the moon?

Why should we stay away from him?

He should count his blessings that we haven't met yet.

How risible. How dumb.

As for that sham of a god. We get the feeling we are not ready to face him….yet.

This world is different from the one we are from. There is something …more than mana it seems.

The summon came at a good time. We were running out of prey. No more souls to devour.

This new world will be our plaything. We will establish ourselves here. Slowly find more about that new energy. One that doesn't seem present in the earth realm. It matters not.

As long as there is a passage to the god realm, we will find a way. Like we always do.

Accumulate strength again. Until finally we will go back. And then we will become gods ourselves.

This might take time. But time has never been an issue.

While others reach the end of their lifespans, we only get stronger.

Oh, just you wait. We will show you. We will conquer this world for you…. until we are strong enough. Then there will not be any Ubruk. No more fake divinity. Only us.

The plan is already in motion. We sent strands of our soul across this world. Truly a vast world.

Well, the details are unknown even to us. Souls are that kind of thing. Interacting with the material plane is exhausting. We had to sacrifice parts of our core existence to make such a troublesome feat possible. No matter. It has all begun. Controlling all these soul strands is impossible even for us.

After all, we are many but only one. But right at this moment, we are more than one, yet only one at a time. We have no way to know where the other strands are. All independent existences from one another. We all possess the memories of the previous unity. Upon death, we shall return to the main body.

Well even the current us has no way to know what, where or who the main body is. It will simply be the most powerful one. The specifics matter not.

This body is in a small remote continent in this world is all we know. One previously untouched by civilization. One that only recently developed.

A land of exile where the weaklings fled to. All the defeated ones from the previous god war.

This place I am right now is a forest they call a disaster zone. How pathetic are the residents here?

The body we took control of is but a rank 3 but it will be enough. Around me are various monsters. All zombified of course. Many rank 2s a few rank 3s.

There seems to be some sort of power controlling the area for all the creatures quickly retreat.

None try to fight us. They have realized the futility of it.

But running will only delay the inevitable.

Here is where I will amass an army before sieging the Moon Keep.

Oh? What do we have here? A hunter is it? This one will be a nice snack. After all, devouring monster souls comes with many complications.

OK guys joined the Next TGIF this week. This means 2 more chapters released next Sunday. I chose 23:55 as the release time haha. Not sure if it will helps with exposure ...probably not but we'll see. Stay awesome people!

Oh yeah something annoying happened. They changed the main website feature. Only shows #1-12...we are #13 RIP =(

Right now we would need 10 stones to overcome the #12 and appear again on featured. That would be epic haha.

This chapter was mostly to introduce this one character, he's relevant throughout the novel ;)

Zombiecreators' thoughts