
The biggest braggart ever and the meeting with the sectmaster.

This is so much fun!

After our fight the bodybuilder goes inside then comes back with alcohol. Apparently, that's his celebration beer. Not sure what we are celebrating haha. But there is no way I'll let him drink alone! Not on my watch!

I think he was worried for me. When he first saw me, I was pretty pathetic to be honest. He might look scary, but he has a heart of gold, doesn't he? =) Honestly, I'll miss these guys when I'm gone. At first, we keep toasting each other. Then he starts telling me about his childhood. Apparently, he was a mercenary in his youth. His name when he was adopted was young eagle. Guess now he'd be called bald eagle haha. He spent his childhood fighting bandits…or even sometimes disguising as a bandit to take down other mercenary groups.

That sounds pretty disloyal…but then again can't say he's had the easiest time. Seems to be a dog-eat-dog world out there. *sigh*

He tells me how he learned to fight with a sword that was bigger than his own body. How he kept swinging it over and over as he grew up. At some point he started to learn about new weapons. And later on, became one of the instructors for this place. How he eventually started training everyone else.

It's around that time he starts to get really flushed haha. It's funny how all these warriors seem so different once drunk. The calm sectmaster shouts. This down-to-earth bodybuilder dude starts bragging instead. Something about a legendary sword. Something about killing a dragon. Something about destroying entire sects. He even says that he can wreck the sectmaster in a 1 v1. God how hilarious is that haha. Well I know for a fact he's only a rank 2 warrior. Right now, he's fully clothed and no full moon. He only is half naked when training. Well that would be almost every of his waking hours but still.

This guy is lucky I'm the one he's drinking with. I won't tattle on him. Could you imagine if he had to really fight some bigshot. Haha. That would be awkward.

But hey I like that guy's style. If I ever tell the tale of our epic fight it will be about a dashing young man and the number one swordsman of the Lunar faction dishing it out.

Ultimate attacks flying left and right. A fight so intense the entire courtyard is about to break! And then I'll tell people that it was a draw. It really wouldn't be fair to him to call it my victory. Especially since I couldn't hit him once.

Of course, the reality is way different. But heroes are things of myth anyway haha. No bard would ever sing about some random rank 2 warrior hitting another random rank 1 nobody until 1 side gets tired of it. No blood. No pain. Sunny day. Yeah …. Big Nope.

He's about to lose consciousness. I guess he doesn't drink often. I guess I'm lucky to share this moment with him. Yep he's a lightweight and now he's going to sleep. Sweet dreams bodybuilder dude. Right before going inside he hands me a necklace. Something about it being really valuable to him. He wants me to have it. At first, I refuse …but he insists. So, guess I have a new necklace now. He's so goddamn awesome this dude. Biggest heart ever. I promise him I'll keep it preciously.


Then I walk back toward my room. Half tipsy. I say half tipsy because I use enough divine power to be alright but still feel the sweet intoxicating effect. I'm a goddamn genius I tell you. On the way I play with my new accessory. It's some kind of hilt. Sword hilt. But it's way too light to be one. I'm guessing it's either part of a decorative weapon or just a cross necklace. Either way. It's obviously something cheap made with normal iron. Guess it has a sentimental value. Maybe something belonging to an old war comrade? That's what I'm guessing anyway. Still. It's my treasure from now on.

When I get to my room Luna is waiting for me. She seems shocked beyond belief when she sees the necklace in my hand. Haha. Apparently, she can't believe that he actually gave it to me, and she can't believe that I could steal it either. Well the second is a given with my noble character.

I bet she didn't think I was that good at making friends. Well to be honest my secret weapon is just too strong haha! With booze I am the master of all interpersonal relationships! Hum I'll need to find a catchier way to say it. In-ter-per-so-nal re-la-tion-ships. Too long.

Anyway, today is the day I'll be meeting the sectmaster to discuss my departure. I've already talked about it with Luna and she'll try to do her best to help me convince him. She understands that keeping a champion in a golden cage won't make him stronger.

I know I said something about there being no rush, but I need to leave soon. Just to be extra-safe. In about a month they'll realize I've been lying all along. Everything should be fine. Worst case I can ask the bald eagle to vouch for me. Say something along the line of:

This young man is perfectly capable of surviving a few weeks alone in a disaster zone. Also, he obviously isn't just trying to run away.

Divine energy, now I'm completely sober. I feel ready enough. For the disaster zone forest. I'm not as confident with the upcoming meeting, but I'm not alone! Remember. You are a champion. You are acting in the best interests of the sect. No one can say otherwise. You can do this.

Luna guides me in her father's office.

The sectmaster is there. But so is someone else. Old school scholar outfit. Long hair. Gentle features. Sharp look. I feel like I've seen this guy before.



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