
Chapter 48: Rage

Kai woke up.

But it wasn’t due to the world dismantling before him. What caused him to awaken was the sight of that sturdy man frenetically waving him around with the hands around his shoulders:

“Kai! Kaai! Wake up already you goofy ass!”

Kai’s eyes were forced to adjust to the sight and recognize the one who disturbed his slumber:


“F*cking finally! Quick” get up! We need to get outta here!”

Kai began waving his head to take a look around.

“NOW!!” Merton shouted crushingly. Whatever the reason was, there didn’t seem to be any time for Kai to adjust to the scenery.

Kai got up as quickly as his body allowed to. Merton did the same.

While minding his own dizziness for having slept so long, Kai managed to notice Merton was in an even worse state. He took longer than him to get up.
