
Chapter 16: Strange Incidents

It was dark.

Not pitch black, but dark. There were no stars in the sky but the environment was illuminated by the streetlights.

There were streetlights everywhere. Or were they? Giant luminous balls carried over by huge chunks of metal, and the metal seemed to be coming from the ceiling.

Ceiling? But the sky was the ceiling. Kai was outside. Where did the lights come from? Kai couldn’t see. The cables merged and vanished with the darkness.

Kai was in a balcony, near a bunch of houses. Strangely, the houses all looked the same. Same shape, same dead gray color. And they had no entrance or windows. Just huge blocks of concrete.

Kai began walking to the edge of the balcony, out of curiosity. The view was amazing. He was on a very high floor of an infinite chain of balconies organized in a pyramid, all of which containing a lot of those concrete blocks. The same scene repeated over and over each floor until his sight couldn’t reach.
