"Why would I lie to you if just now I could act as I pleased with your body, right?" sahut Teodor pula dengan tenang. "Do you think they will do what that girl says? Ivy was only used for the power of the Csaba family which would later become the property of the Covern family."
"James…" Shasha menggeram mengingat tunangan Ivy tersebut. "You are son of bitch!"
"Like I said," kata Teodor pula. "James only took advantage of Ivy, and The Big Three agreed on that as long as James was able to keep Ivy from anything."
Shasha menatap lagi wajah Teodor, berusaha menemukan kebohongan dalam ucapannya tadi itu. Namun sekian saat, Teodor tetap memperlihatkan aura yang sama. Aura kesedihan dan penyesalan mendalam.