
Welcome, Brother.

After eating, Menxiang suggested they take a walk out of the hospital to help digest the food they eat. Not that he ate much. Just enough to accompany her.

As they walked, the soft cool air made her shiver her eyes wandering to the bustling streets and crowded sidewalks. She was curious, very curious about his man in a black suit with a menacing aura chasing people away with his stoic face.

She had tried to ask him questions about himself but he seemed evasive, answering some and ignoring the rest as if she had never spoken. She felt bad for dragging him around but she was avoiding He Yuhan ever since she found out that they were planning to propose a marriage alliance to her family.

Mo Bingwen was so angry with her, not that she could blame him. He was always good to her but she was always letting him down. She didn't want to rub salt to his injury by interacting with He Yuhan any further.
