
Don’t Miss Me Too Much

Happy new week!



"What did Grant want, Cris,'' Heide asked his wife when she walked back in he had heard the commotion and had used magic to see Alanor's rejected mate at tier gates and with Zelina's horse.

Zelina Navali never gave that horse to anyone, which could only mean that whatever message Grant was to deliver had to be so important to them.

"Alanor. They haven't been able to reach him and they want us to go seek him out. Something happened to our son, Heide. What if Edison killed him? What if everything got so complicated as he was being held captive? What if he shifted and is imprisoning Edison?

"What if he rejected his second mate? So many maybes Heide, but what if our son is dead? Six weeks is too long to not have heard anything from him. It just doesn't make any sense and it's worrying me, Heide.

"I need our son back," Criselda said frustratedly as she sat next to her husband.
