

" You alright, mate? You seem eerily silent." Sir Alvor whispered with his arm upon the pummel. "Caught a chill, did you?"

"Maybe," Will replied. Pulling the straps of his fur cloak tighter, "A little scared is all."


"Aye, we are within the borders of Ferrum protecting the Young Prince," Will eerily muttered, peering towards the faded moon. "Think there will be a war?"


"On what?" Will scuffed in response, "From what I hear, the princess of Ferrum has been missing for years."

"Bah rumors, no doubt." Sir Alvor grunted in reply. "I hear she is with that new duke. You know the one Cyrus gave out three years ago."

"Blackwater, I believe."

"A bloody monster, I hear. You think she is still pure?" Will muttered, feeling a chill reaching his bones.

"Who cares? With war upon the horizon, we are dead if the young Prince doesn't seal the deed. It's best she carries his child the first year they marry."

Peering towards the small fire hidden behind a carriage with the golden emblem of The Griffen. Will scrunched his brow, "Is it not too quiet? I do not even hear the insects or the winds," He whispered.

Awaiting a response, Will turned his heart trembling as a painting of crimson consumed his sight. Severed into seven pieces, Sir Alvor's bloody head lay still and silent upon the scarlet snow while his limbs were shattered about.

"ATTACK!" Will screamed, drawing his blade from his waist. However, only a profound stillness echoed.

"Sir Vora, Lady Roma, Tala!" He shouted in expectation. His throat already turning strained and dry. "Anyone! "

With a chill colder than the freezing snow, Will approached his carriage where his Prince was located. Noticing no one around the carriage, a fear of the worse began to grow even more prominent.

"Pushing the carriage doors open, a young man no more than fifteen appeared within his sights. He was handsome, almost too handsome, while he lay still upon his seat covered in a blanket.

Shaking his shoulder, Will screamed, "Your Grace, wake up!"

Grunting in response, Prince Lyndon Bremor slowly opened his Hazel eyes that sparkled like gems, "Will? What the hell are you?" The young Prince complained.

"We need to leave, now!" Will barked, pulling him out of the carriage.

"The hell has gotten into you!" Prince Lydon shouted, defiantly pulling his arm away, "Where... is everyone."

"I-I-I don't know," Will fearfully uttered. ready for whatever may come, "But Sir Alyon is dead, butchered like a pig before he could even scream."

Digging his hand into his cloak, Lydon pulled out a small oak wand with various inscriptions carved into it. Gathering his Arcana, he pointed his wand high within the air as he chanted in haste, "Luminate, thy path of night." Suddenly a marvelous radiant flash shot from his enchanting wand into the air, exploding into a sea of light banishing the darkness.

"Do you think Commander Flaen will make it in time?" Will muttered, studying his surroundings

"maybe, but one of you will be dead," an aloof voice declared, startling them. Stepping out from behind a tree, a silver boy, no more than the age of three, came into view.

"Who are you?" Prince Lydon demanded, pointing his want towards the boy.

"Zireael Blackwater, the man who killed everyone here."

"You... why?" Will could not help but question pushing the young Prince backward, feeling the reaper's blade against his throat.

"The Devil of the North, Duke Blackwater,"

"Correct," said Lord Zireael


"Hm, the Knights of Ferrum angered me, so I figured sending them into war would be the perfect fuck you."

Godsmack Prince Lydon's jaw dropped, "You... You... all of this just for that! Do you realize how many will die?"

"Correct, that is why I am going to let you live. Tell the story, Prince Lydon, I want the entire kingdom of Ferrum to know this war if there ever will be one was the fault of the magistrate of the Knights irritating me."

"Irritating you?" Repeated the Young Prince, shocked beyond words.

"Yep, so I must retaliate. Nothing personal, it's just business, " Zireael softly uttered, taking a step forward.


Placing his arm out, Will smiled, "Prince, please. He is allowing you to live, so live. Do not anger him, please. Do not let our sacrifice end mean nothing." He said, his eyes never leaving the Silver Demon slowly drawing closer. "Will you make it quick?"

"A severed head or right through the heart. I am quite flexible." Zireael uttered, not at all phased by Will's request.

"The heart, I would like my family to at least gaze upon me." He reluctantly whispered, taking a step forward. "I am Will, no surname."

" A commoner, yet you protect a prince." Zireael stated with a smile, "You have come a long way."

"Aye," said Will, not lowering his head but lifting it higher in pride.

Coming to a halt, Zireael nodded. Quite impressed by the man before him. Gripping his sword, a silver light tore into the young knight's flesh, meeting his heart in an instant. Falling to his knees, a slight smile remained as blood trickled upon the snow.

"Quite a man. Personally left him alive because I thought he would simply escape. Yet he remained, do you know why?" Zireael questioned, looking up at the uncontrollable tears pouring from the young man's eyes. Yet a gleam of amusement flickered through the Young Lords' icy heart.

Not saying a word, a hand appeared upon the young Prince's shoulder. "Do not cry, My Lord. Just remember this day. A true man died, for your sake. Remember his name!" Commander Flaen voiced with a tremor in his tone.

"Can you kill him?" Prince Lyndon asked in a pleading tone, "Can you kill that monster?"

"He may try, but you will die in the crosshairs for sure." Zireael stated, "Making the death of that man for not. I only needed one to live. Whether a war occurs or not is up to what you do. All I know is that a Magistrate will perish.

Hovering off the ground, Zireael smiled, "Lyndon, I genuinely look forward to meeting you in the future. I see talent within you. A great talent I have only seen by one within this realm. Will you come after in search of vengeance, or will you overcome it? I await the day." He stated, flying off without a care.

Releasing a helpless cry Prince Lyndon, fell upon the snowy fields, trembling as he stared at Will's remains, "Brother... Forgive me. I should..."

Ruthlessly slapping the Prince across the face, Commander Flaen roared, "Raise your head, you damn fool. He died for you to live. Do not cry, not yet! Not when war is upon us. We came here for one objective, or did you forget! Hold it in, and raise your head. Are you not a man?"

Looking up towards Commander Flaen's rugged face clad in mail armor, he nodded with a bitter expression, "We will continue, send a letter to Cyrus and to my father. Tell them Zireael Blackwater killed my entire squad. Tell them it was in response to the magistrate's actions against him."

Feeling his eyes burn, Prince Lyndon stood upon two legs, glaring towards the snowy night, "I will not let my brother die without drawing blood from Ferrum."
