
Chapter 159: Fight in the Courtyard

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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Ned, who heard his words, had a change in expression since he knew how sensitive Edward was to such things. Ned was there during the meeting between Lord Arryn, his brother, Brandon, and Edward in Harrenhal and knew how Edward predicted things back then. Edward was the sole reason for the Targaryen's three centuries rule over Westeros to end. So Ned had to take his words seriously, even if they were unbelievable. No one would believe that the nine years of peace that the realm had seen would end this way. Although they were minor conflicts here and there, especially between Edward and Robert with his Lannister friends, the things did not evolve to the degree where it would endanger a dynasty.

Jon, who did not say a word since the two men started arguing, did not know whether to laugh or cry. The king did not give him a chance to say anything and would take him to Storm's Eye just like that. Jon liked Edward and knew that he cared about him, but he should not behave like that, right?

Edward should give Jon a choice to choose where he wanted to go. But before he could open his mouth to disagree, Jon saw Edward's smile and could not help but swallow his words. No way was he doing to annoy this monster in front of him.

"Since we finished what we came here for, let's go outside. I will have to go to the wall to send the men that I brought. Since I wanted to have a talk with The Lord Commander, Mormont, I will have to take them personally. You are coming with me, Jon. You wanted to see The Wall, and here is your chance." Said Edward with a smile as he stretched a little after getting what he wanted.

Ned and Jon, who was looking helplessly at the moment at the other two men, who decided his fate just like that without letting him have any choice in his life, nodded their heads after hearing Edward's words and followed him to the outside without saying anything. The group soon left the Crypt and moved towards the guest house where Edward would stay for the night. Ned had prepared a feast for Edward and his family in the great hall after taking some rest.

As they walked outside, they got attracted by the commotion that happened not far away from the Courtyard where the young ones should be training. They could see the servants moved quickly here and there. The children were the most excited and had some weird expressions on their faces as they ran towards the training yard as fast as they could.

The group was interested in what was happening there after seeing all this and hearing all this noise. They decided to ask someone to know the truth about what was happening over there. Lucky for them, they did not stand there much and could see Vayon Poole hurrying with servants and moved towards the training yard as well.

Ned did not wait and asked Vayon Poole at once. He liked the discipline he created in Winterfell over time and loved the peaceful life there and did not like when everyone ran around like that. But whenever Edward and his family came to Winterfell, all those things would happen.

"Poole, what is happening over there?" Asked Ned as he looked at Poole with his grim as always look. Edward wondered if Ned was born like that or Lyanna's death had caused all that shit. It might be Catelyn who was not skilled in bed and did not know how to please Ned Stark.

Edward had a wild imagination there. I could tell you that.

"My Lord." Said the steward who had just seen his lord and Stormking coming from the Crypt as he nodded his head. He did not expect to see them right there and at this moment.

"Your son, Rob, wanted to have a fight with prince Axil. Prince Raymont had agreed to let them fight and decided to be the judge. The other princes and Lady Stark followed them to witness what is going to happen. As for me, I have to supervise the things happening over there since the situation is as you can see." Said Vayon Poole as he was also feeling troubled by those children and all the problems they would cause. He wondered why they could not stay still in one place without causing trouble here and there. He was the one who prepared the feast for the Stormking and his sons with Lady Stark, but everything would go in ruin because of those brats.

"Haha, those brats!!!! Well, we can enjoy seeing them fight, at least." Said Edward as he laughed out loud after hearing what Vayon Poole had said. He knew that his sons would do something to annoy the Starks like always but did not expect it to come from Axil since he was the one with a grim character and did not want to communicate with the others much.

"How troublesome!!!" Said Ned with a grim smile after hearing Edward's words and seeing him laughing like that. Every time Edward and his sons came to the North, something like that would happen. Troubles would always follow Edward wherever he went. That was why Ned wanted Edward to leave Winterfell as soon as possible so that the castle could return to its peaceful age.

"Stop acting like that, Ned. You should have gotten used to it by now." Said Edward as he teased Ned Stark after hearing his words and seeing his expression. He knew he was the one who caused Ned his biggest headache as of right now, but he did not care. He did not want Ned to get used to the peaceful life in Winterfell since he knew that if Ned did not use this little mind of his, he would die soon as well.

"Huh!!! Let's go." Said Ned without looking at Edward, who would annoy him, as he moved forward to lead the group towards the training yard.

The unlucky boy named Jon Snow, who followed the two men all this time and continued to do so even right now, did not get to say a word again and just followed them to the Courtyard like a small sheep.


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