
Chapter 134: Edward's plans for the slaves in Essos

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

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As for Storm's End, it was the seat of the first prince at the moment. Edward would start training his son at the age of eight. They would learn how to rule and how to use the sword and other weapons. Once they reached the age of thirteen, they would get named lords. They would have a castle and territory to rule with the help of Edward's men. But during the visit to The North, they all must accompany their father.

Although that was the case, Edward would send his adult sons to Essos, especially to Qohor and Norvos, every six months. He wanted them to gain more experience by fighting the Dothraki hordes around the cities. He would wipe the Dothraki in two years, so he wanted his sons to use them as training dolls. Edward also wanted them to experience leading cities this large and experience how heavy this burden it was. Since Edward did not prevent slavery or free the slaves as Daenerys did, it became much harder to rule those Cities. Demolishing the slave laws at once would be the wrong decision as most of the Free Cities depended on the slave trade to build their economy. So Edward came up with another plan. He would set a new system that would allow the slaves to redeem their freedom if they wanted to but after gaining enough merits for themselves.

Although some small noble houses in those Cities opposed Edward's decision, he got rid of them all. At the moment, the whole governments of those Cities were under Edward's fall control. After Knowing about this decision, Many slaves tried to earn enough merits to free themselves or their children, at least. Of course, there were some who were already satisfied with their status and did not try to free themselves. Some people found it an honor to be a slave, so Edward did not bother them.

Of course, Edward's system would not prevent slavery as more slaves would get caught, and Edward did not plan to stop this. Since this trade is a lifeline to those cities, Edward did not see a reason to stop them. Those strong ones would not get caught by those slave merchants, and since this was a world where the strong ate the weak, Edward's system gave them enough mercy. Edward's rule gave them the chance to change their fate, so if they wanted to do that, all they had to do was to work hard for two to six years. That depended on how much effort and talent they had.

The slave trade volume would decrease but would not disappear. Of course, Edward prevented them from catching anyone from Westeros, or at least his kingdom. He wanted them to focus on IB and summer Islands. The former was a strong race that had enough talent in nearly everything. Although they were a little ugly and did not suit the bed slave trade, they could work in every other industry. The latter was a beautiful race with attractive characteristics. Edward had visited the island not long ago and was amazed by the beauty of its people.

(The part of Essos is not finished. I only wanted to break it into parts and show them when the time comes. Every one or two chapters will contain Edward's plans in the past fifteen years. The reason for doing something like that is that I don't wish for it to be boring.)

Edward smiled at the joking Ned before turning his head to acknowledge the other Starks. Edward had to greet the annoying Catylen Stark first as he had to show some respect to Ned's wife. So although he hated this woman for treating Jon like that, he had to show some respect.

"Lady Stark." Said Edward as he nodded his head to her. He was not going to act familiar with her like Robert did when he visited Winterfell. Edward gave her the basic respect only for Ned's sake, and this was enough.

"Your grace." Said Catelyn with a smile on her face as she greeted Edward with courtesy. She did not realize the contempt hidden in Edward's eyes for her. Although her father had warned her before about Edward and asked her not to anger him, she did not find anything for her father's worries.

After seeing her smile, Edward felt a little disgusted down there. The only one who did not fit The North in his eyes was this Catelyn. If she did not adapt to The North, she did not have to marry a Stark. Edward thought that she hated Lyanna for Brandon's death since the man died when he was about to take her from Riverrun to marry her. But since she would die soon anyway, Edward decided to let her live for the moment. She had already performed her duties by giving birth to the Stark's children, so her death would not matter much anyway.

Edward then turned his eyes to the young man standing to Ned's right. He could see that the young wolf had grown up and was at the right age to lead his army against the Lannister. The last time Edward saw the group was four years ago. So everyone had changed in his eyes, especially the young children. As for Ned, he grew older. Edward wanted to joke with him about if he had the ability to lift his sword.

"Ah, young Rob. You have grown a lot. Come here and let your uncle Edward give you a hug." Said Edward with a laugh as he greeted the young wolf. Although this young man was inexperienced and did not have what it take to win a war, he was a good commander. Maybe after experiencing more wars and schemes for some more yours, Rob could have grown to the same level as Randyll Tarly. Sadly, he made that stupid decision and preferred love over everything else, and died in the end.

Something like love did not have to exist during wartime. Love was something only acceptable during peacetime, although it would cause some problems as well. But these problems could get managed to reduce their effects. If Rob had done something like that, Edward might find him a brave young man. But discarding your word when you were in The man's territory was a wrong decision, not to mention that the man was lending you his men. Edward had thought of giving him some head-up or advice to remind him of something like that in this timeline. By doing that, he would cause more trouble to the Lannister. Though, Edward would prefer to see Catylen Stark die in that Red Wedding.


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