
Failed Queen

After two or more tries, Zeph finally found the potential place where they were keeping Anastasia captured. Honestly, it was due to the guards that came to search for disturbance of energy. 

He had hidden himself in the empty tent to wait for guards to leave when he heard an interesting conversation from outside. 

"Are you sure you didn't imagine fluctuations of energy?"

"Of course, do you take me for a fool? I am sure there was some kind of energy fluctuations here. But…."

"But now there is nothing…...come on. We should go back to our positions lest we were charged with dereliction of duty. The captain would not be pleased. "

The first guard was still not satisfied as he sent the other guard away, 

"You go? I think I will check out the tent of Prisoner Queen again. We are here for her security. If something happens to her, the King will flail us alive. "

The other guard laughed as he went away, 
