

The man coughed some blood which got vaporized by the lighting, not reaching Aella who was in front of him.

"You… you think… this is enough? You are just a…"[Owl Talon's Boss]

Aella turned a little, her sword making him stop mid-sentence.

He said nothing else, just smiled as a black dot appeared on his forehead. From that dot-like snake in movement, runes started spreading all over his body at a great speed.

When Aella noticed those runes, she jumped back, leaving her sword as she didn't have time to pull it out of him. But she wasn't fast enough as the man slashed her with his hand as dark energy surrounded his hands, creating claws.

The same dark energy surrounded the rest of his body as it became solid, and he wasn't looking like a human anymore.

Shingi was afraid that this would happen as he could detect the true nature of that person.
