
Chapter Six

Kelechi's POV

I woke up feeling very comfy and warm. Something that rarely happened especially since my mom died.

The scent and warmth was alluring. I did not want to wake up. Maybe later. Not yet, this felt good.

That feeling ended when I felt a hand stroke my hair gently. My eyes quickly opened. What I saw washed away the sleep.

I was so shocked, my body moved on autopilot immediately.

"ahhh!" I screamed before pushing him off the bed. With my heart racing, I clutched my white pillow to my chest even though I was not naked. White pillow? I have never owned anything white for obvious reasons.

I can not maintain it!

" Ughh! You're more violent when you're awake." My idiot of a cousin said as he tried massaging his back.

" What are you doing in my bed?" I yelled at him. I know he is family but he is a guy. And I don't like having guys this close to me, alone, in my room!

" In your bed?" he scoffed before saying " check again Kelly."

It was then I noticed I was not in my bed, not in my grandma's, not even in my dad's. It was... Ben's!

No no no! Please don't tell me I....

" Yeah. You sleepwalked to my room" he must have guessed my thoughts when he saw the horrified expression I had on my face.

" I don't sleepwalk." I said stubbornly. I know I did but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of admitting.

The thing was... I started sleepwalking after he relocated to UK. I would always find myself in his room in the morning whenever I stayed at grandma's house. I guess I missed him that much.

But now he was here, I did not understand how I ever missed him.

He took off his T-shirt. Showing off his drool - worthy body. Instead of finding my way out, what do you think I did? I sat down rooted to the bed, staring at his body. What broke the trance was the cocky smirk on his face.

Trust me. When a guy is cute and he does not know, that is very adorable. But when he looks good and he knows, that is the spelling of danger.

"Have you seen my biceps?" he asked shamelessly while raising his right arm. "It looks good, right? Took me a month to get it in shape."

A normal girl would probably blush and run out of the room embarrassed. Even avoid the guy for days. But my dear, I got irritated the moment he had that cocky smirk on his face, instead of being shy since I was caught staring.

If he was not my cousin, I would have taken it as a challenge. Make him know he was not the only one attractive.

I had it all planned in my head:

My black eyes looking at his green ones as I made deliberate slow steps towards him. Knowing his eyes followed my every movement, I would bring a finger to my lips and lazily dragged it to my chest.

Sometimes, I might be shy around guys. Sometimes, I developed a little bit of confidence. But in my mind, I planned to be confident. Whenever I felt challenged, every trace of uncertainty evaporates.

When I finally stood a few inches In front of him, close enough to notice my head could barely reach his shoulder.

I would place a hand on that arm he was so boastful of and tip toe towards him like I was going to kiss him but pass his lips and go for his ear.

Just tease him.

That was if he was not family.

Luckily for him, he was family. Instead of that unrealistic plan, I did what I was best at.

I snapped at him.

"Shut up jare!¹ who's even deceiving you sef²? Just because small muscle manage to pop out, you're boasting" I lifted both my arms to demonstrate.

"If real muscle miraculously came, what should I then do? I should bow Abi³" I hissed and threw his shirt that he dropped at him. "Better prepare fast. Mass starts by eight."


Mama was a serious Catholic. She was a patroness, a church warder and president of CWO ( Catholic women organisation). That must be why everyone had to be serious Catholics too.

And that was why I was awake by six in the morning to prepare for church. If I did not prepare in time, mama would drag me out of the house like that to church. Speaking from experience.

" Kelechi! What are you still doing!" Mama screamed at me. I did not understand why she had to yell when she was behind me. Plus it was just 7:30am. I still had thirty minutes more.

"Mama there's still time" I said as I fought with my scarf and checked it out in the mirror.

"Let's leave her to trek to church" and the devil speaketh. Ben leaned casually at my door beside mama. And mama looked like she was considering the idea.

I glared at him before turning to mama with a smile "Mama how do I look?" I was wearing a short Ankara dress ( it was just an inch above my knees. If I had worn anything shorter, mama would dress me herself). It was off shoulder, padded at the burst and fitted at my waist . It was styled in a way only people taller than me would probably see my cleavage in 3D. I gave up on tying my scarf and did it casual . One of the reasons I loved dressing well (dressing to kill) was for my self esteem. Do not judge. Everyone has their issues.

Mama just hissed and left

"Who are you dressing for?" He asked "Are you attending a party after church.

I too hissed and left. It's a Sunday, I won't let him spoil my vibe.

One thing I hate.... No no, scratch that. Hate is a strong word. Let's start again.

One thing I do not like about attending mass during festive period is the number of thanksgiving we have.

When it is time, you are going to hear something like;

"Let's come and thank the Lord for a successful month!"

"In the spirit of Christmas, let's dance to the alter and thank the Lord!"

And then the next minute, you will hear;

"Come and thank God for keeping you alive this year!"

Like seriously! Can't we just thank God for everything in one thanksgiving and go home to our food.

You might say why the ranting? You're a Christian, so don't complain. It is good to thank the Lord.

I am not saying we should not thank God every time. Do it after giving me breakfast.

If the thanksgiving ends at three. It would be okay. But that is just for introduction. There can be more than twenty thanksgiving in Just one mass; especially during festive period.

And that was why I always brought my phone with me to church.

Finally, mama successfully packed us in her minivan. She had already started the minivan (Yeah, she drives. You would be surprised at the other things she can do), and even had the gates opened when another vehicle drove in.

It was uncle Joe, aunty Sandra with my cousins (Ify, Meso and Gozie).

He poked his head out of his car and waved at us with a (fake) smiling face.

Dad must have told uncle Joe the new venue for our Christmas get together.

I didn't think he was expecting to see us still at home and not in church. From the look on his face, he must have planned to escape mama and mass together.

Mama did not say anything.

Just one look from mama had uncle Joe reverse and ready for mass.



Jare¹, sef², abi³ and chai⁴ are all slangs Nigerians use.
