

"Where to now?" asked Lexie. Angel ignores Lexie and says, "Get your motorcycle and take that puppy somewhere safe. Then come back to Lucy's apartment." "Once I'm done, that bastard is going to pay!"

Lexie said. "I thought you didn't like other people getting hurt?" "I didn't! But I changed my mind. He has crossed the line! I don't even have to think twice about what will happen to him next time. It's about that damn time I change my attitude and my actions. " "I'm out," Angel said as he starts up the motorcycle. After five minutes, he fell off the bike.

He had forgotten his body is still a little weak. "Need help?" Lexie asked. "I'll just stay here until I recuperate." Lexie got on her motorcycle. "Well, I'll catch up." With that said, she drove fourteen miles out of Drown Harbor.

She found four broken old playhouses. She pushes all of it towards a dark alley and puts her puppy in one of the houses. In order to remember which house she put him in, she wrote the numbers: 1, 20 in permanent marker.

The puppy is safe. Lexie then tracks Angel's destination. She's about to leave until she remembered she has not named the puppy.

She thinks and says, "Your name shall be Night." Now she's off to locate Angel. Once she makes it, she sees Angel barely getting off his motorcycle. Lexie waved at him, but he ignored her.

She gets a little closer to the apartment and notices Angel banging on the door. She watches Angel from four feet behind him. Finally, the door opened. It was Lucy's mother.

Angel asks, "Are you Lucy's mother?" She responds, "Yes, why?" "I came to talk to her father." "Trevor!?" Lorain asked. She eventually calls Trevor to come down. Angel says to Lorain, "I need to speak with him in private." Lorain left the two alone.

"Who in the hell are you?" asked Trevor. Angel responded, "Someone whom you will not approve of. I've heard from you. How you've beaten your own daughter! How you've mistreated her! How for once in your life, you actually care about her!?"

"Hey, listen boy. You don't have the right coming in here and telling me what a total crap I am. You should stay out of this! This is none of your concern!" "Well for my damn sake, it is my concern! Maybe you should've treated her better!"

"Me!? Wait... how do you know so much about my daughter!?" "That's none of your business!" "Were you the one that took my daughter!?" "No!" "You know what! If you never would have taken her she might've still been alive!"

"I said I didn't freaken take her!" "Yes, you did you prick!" "Look-" "No! You look, if she hadn't been with you, she would've been alive! This all your fault you son of a little bitch!"

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU HADN'T BEEN DRINKING JUST LIKE THE ALCOHOLIC PRICK THAT YOU ARE, SHE WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT THIS DAMN APARTMENT!!! Telling me it's my fault!? Guess what, you're a prick that doesn't know how to care for a daughter because you're too stupid to understand that. YOU'RE JUST A STUPID INEBRIATE DRUNK!!! In fact, you make a mentally ill person look smarter than you when you're drunk." "Asshole!" Trevor said.

"GUESS WHAT YOU ARE AN ACTUAL ASSHOLE! In fact, only one word describes you. YOU'RE A TOTAL F—" "WATCH YOUR MOUTH BOY! THINK BEFORE YOU REGRET IT!" "RIGHT, THIS IS COMING FROM THE GUY THAT CAN'T THINK FOR HIMSELF! THINK TWICE BEFORE MISTREATING YOUR DAUGHTER!!! NEXT TIME THINK TWICE BEFORE DRINKING!!! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT KILLED HER!!! Go ahead and drink another one of your beers. You deserve to die too, join your daughter in hell! "Angel! What the hell!? That's too far!" Lexie said.

Trevor was bursting out of full anger. He grabs Angel by the neck and punches him. Then he slammed him on the ground. Angel was coughing and trying to get up. Trevor left for a few seconds and came back with a couple of beer bottles and broke them on Angel's head.

He smashed the glass of bottles in every part of Angel's body. Two on his arms, two on his legs, one on his back. Angel had enough, so he grabbed his blade and sliced the bottle in two. Then, he grabbed Trevor's throat and started choking him.

Trevor gasped for air as one bottle fell out of his hand and rolled towards Lexie. Lexie picked up the bottle and knocked out Angel. Trevor was breathing normally again.

He went inside, still pissed. Lexie just stayed there, waiting for Angel to wake up. He was bleeding from all the bruises he had in every part of his body.

Meanwhile... Grieve and the two shadows along with Joyce headed back to their hideout. When all of a sudden, they hear a puppy bark from a dark alley. Grieve gets closer to the alley and looks at all the playhouses. Eventually finding Lexie's puppy.

He says to the shadows, "Let's wait here." The shadow that had Joyce hostage asked, "Why?" He responds, "You see, this puppy here belongs to a friend of that boy. I want to make her grieve once again! I know she'll be back for this damn puppy."

"What do you have in mind, sir?" "Grieving is what I always have in mind. Grieving will lead her to drown in depression. Hell, we will force her to join us!"

Back to Lexie and Angel... Angel was still knocked out. Lexie still waited. After a few moments, it started to rain. She drags Angel to a shade that was nearby, so he wouldn't get wet. She then remembered that her puppy was all alone.

She thought twice about whether to go or stay with Angel. After a few seconds, she decided to go back for her puppy. She got on the motorcycle and drove back to the dark alley.

Once there, she gets off with calm. As she looks in the houses, her puppy was not there. Then as she barely peaked to her right, facing the alley, she saw a blade come into the light.

Next, Grieve appeared. "Hello, Lexie," he says. Lexie responds with, "You killed my brother! Now it's time to end you!" She says as she's running towards him. Grieve eventually takes out the puppy. Lexie freezes.

Grieve says, "I got two options for you. The first option would be killing your puppy right now. After, you can go back to your friend. That is if I let you. The second option would be joining us and your puppy lives. Which option do you prefer?" Lexie was thinking, deciding which one to choose. Both options were hard for her.

Fourteen minutes have already passed. Grieve started to get impatient. He said, "Look, you don't have that much time!" As he said this, he penetrates the blade just a little on the puppy's foot.

Lexie heard the puppy cry for a few seconds! She says, "Wait! Don't! Stop that! Please!" Grieve asks again, "Will you be willing to join us?" "HELL NO!!!" "No, you say? All right." Now he's penetrating the puppy's stomach. The puppy squirmed in pain. "How about now Lexie?" He asked.

Lexie just stood there, trying to plan an escape for the poor puppy. This time, Grieve held the puppy on a wall. He scratches the left side of the wall with his blade and continues closer to the puppy's neck. It managed to get a tiny, yet clear cut.

The puppy was squealing and crying at the same time. Lexie could not bear his suffering and said, "Stop! I'll join you! I'll join you! Just please keep him alive! Please!" (She was sobbing as she said these words). "That's exactly what I wanted to hear," said Grieve.

He was now ready to start his diabolical plan. But before he did, he called out a woman. The woman came out of the dark and presented herself. "Hello, my name's Sherrie. Welcome to Shadow's cult." "My... my names Lexie," she said quivering.

"Here's your damn puppy," Grieve said as he pushes her aside. "What is your problem with Angel anyway!?" Lexie shouted. "Let's just say, he's always been my problem," Grieve said. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"I can't believe you haven't figured out the fact yet! Sherrie!" "Y... Y... Yes, Grieve?" "Force Lexie to tell us where Angel is!" "Of... Course... Sir."

Sherrie walks closer to Lexie and asks calmly, "Where's the boy?" "What boy?" "Angel." "I'm not telling you!" "Please?" "No!"

Sherrie got mad and picked her up from her shirt with her two hands. She said angrily, and desperately, "WHERE IS THAT BOY!?" Lastly, she dropped her on the ground and kicked her rib. Lexie expressed pain.

Then, Lexie picked herself up and managed to slice Sherrie's left cheek with her right arm. The two were fighting each other for a period of time. Grieve broke them apart.

He said to Lexie, "Tell me where the boy is or I'll kill your stupid animal for real this time!" "Okay! I hate you!" "Don't care, where is he?"

Grieve had finally made it to where Angel was supposed to be. He wasn't there, nor was he anywhere in sight. "Where the hell is he!?" Grieve asked. He was very mad at Lexie. "He... he... was supposed to be here."

Grieve searched the area and found blood stains on the stairs of a house. Grieve banged the door impatiently. Until Trevor came out again. "Great! Not another boy! What the hell do you want?"

"Have you seen a boy around here?" "Yes, he was about your height. Who are you?" "Not important!" Grieve walked away and said out loud, "Come on! Let's go find that boy!"

Trevor said, "Wait! Are you against him!?" "Yes! Want in?" "Yes, I do!" "Then hurry the hell up bastard!" Grieve, Trevor, Sherrie, Lexie, and the Shadows went to their hideout. Once there, they were all having a discrete meeting.

Grieve was thinking of a plan to capture Angel in the most efficient way possible. He was talking with the shadows along with Trevor about it.

Sherrie elbow bumped Lexie and asked, "How come you're not against that boy at all?" Lexie responded, "Because he's not whom you think he is." "Of course! He's a weapon that needs to be stabilized."

"No! He's nice, sweet, and understands everyone in his own way." "Oh dear child, you're just in love." (Lexie blushed a little).

"I am not in love with him!" "That boy needs to pay for what he's done!" Sherrie states. "Don't hurt him!" Lexie said in anger. Sherrie had something else in mind.

Within four seconds, she said, "Look, Lexie, I'm actually trying to—" Grieve cut her off, "Okay, we're out!" Grieve went first in the single file line. The shadows second. Sherrie third. Trevor fourth.

Lastly, Lexie was in the back of the line. As Lexie walked for four seconds, something caught her eye. She realized someone was trapped in a dark cell. It looked like a young prisoner.

Lexie went to investigate cautiously. She saw a girl -that to her- seemed to be a little older than her. Lexie whispers, "What's your name?" There was no answer from her.

She looked shocked, paranoid, and traumatized. "Hey, are you okay?" Lexie asks as she tries reaching for her hand. The girl backs away. The dim light showed that her hands were bloody and had bruises all over her body.

Later... The girl writes with blood on the wall: J-O-Y-C-E. She sits in the bottom of where the name was written. "Oh my god! Joyce!?" Lexie whispers. Joyce did not look physically or mentally healthy. Lexie continues, "Wait, I thought you were with the Shadows this whole time."

Joyce whispers, "I was." "What happened?" "They put me in this cell before reaching out to you." "How'd you know they were reaching out to me?" "I overheard them talking when I was locked up in a boat by Drown Harbor."

"They had this all planned out!" "Shh... Lexie!" "Wait, how did you know the place was called Drown Harbor if you were-"

Grieve came back for Lexie and asks, "What's going on? Do you know her?" Grieve looks at Joyce. She still seemed stable. Oddly enough, the blood marks on the wall were gone. "The hell," Lexie says with confusion.

She later says to Grieve, "No, not at all." "Good, let's go!" Grieve and Lexie were leaving the area. Little did Grieve know was that Joyce was holding a paper that Lexie had gave her without him noticing. Joyce opened it up.

It said: "I'm coming back for you Joyce. One way or another. Angel will be glad to see you!" Joyce shouted with agony, "Angel! Angel!" As she said this she was out of control. She was banging the bars. Pulling on them. Slamming herself against them.

Grieve heard it all. All he said was, "Shadows! feel free to calm her down!" The shadows closed the doors behind Grieve as he walked out. Once fully closed, the screams of Joyce were heard. She was screaming her lungs out. The sounds of brutal torture were heard as well.

Lexie stood there, holding in her tears. Grieve said, "What's the matter, Lexie? Getting ready to grieve?" "No!" she said as she walked out of his way. In her mind, she thought, "I'm coming to get you, Angel." (She said this with a twisted, cringe like grin).

There was a woman with a dark robe like cloak. She looked very suspicious and was ready to escape the city called: Depriviate Lepson. As she walked out of the city, she passed through some trees of a dark forest.

Curled up in her hands was a body of a not too young boy. Eventually, she found a broken house in the middle of nowhere.

Little did she know was that the house was Joyce's grandmother's house. She enters through the broken door. Once in, she hangs her dark robe. (Her face hasn't been seen yet).

The only scenery was that of her feet walking back and forth in the kitchen. She heads on to the living room and sets the body down without revealing the boys face. "Is he dead or alive?" The woman asks in a scratchy tone.

"What should I do with him?" She asks herself aloud. "Will the police come after me?" The woman continues to walk from the kitchen to the living room in a constantly repeated cycle. "What will I tell the cops if they find me?"

The woman then saw the slightest movement from the boy. "Mother of Pearl!" She shouts. The boy hasn't woken up yet. "Well, at least he's still alive."

The woman went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She saw that all the refrigerated food had been spoiled. She puts back on her robe and leaves the house in search of food.

After about 40 minutes of walking, she found a grocery store that's still open. She enters and her dark brown eyes immediately caught the attention of someone. Someone about the same height as the boy she took in.

"Is that the same boy I took in?" she asked frightened. She proceeds to walk the same aisle the boy was in. She opened the refrigerator door of the aisle and grabbed a gallon of orange juice and a gallon of water.

After getting those two items, she headed to another aisle. The creepy looking boy was watching the woman as she slowly left. The woman was unaware that the boy was watching her.

She grabbed some pancake mix, eggs, sausages, bacon, French toast, and her favorite dessert doughnuts. In the order of aisles: 3, 1, 21, 19, 5, 19. She went to the grocery checkout line and behind her was the boy.

The boy asked, "Been here before?" The woman's voice still scratched said, "N... no." The boy just smiles and says, "I wouldn't go outside the exit I take if I were you." He proceeds to leave the store without saying another word.

The woman just looked at him as he left. She didn't know whether to exit where the boy had gone or find another exit. She thought twice about it and with horror decided she was going to go through the exit she was specifically told not to go.

Once at the exit, the doors open automatically. It was the same store. Only, it was darker and creepier. She enters with extreme fear inside her. She heard screeches and doors banging. Along with items of the store falling down.

She walks very slowly until a girl caught her attention. (The girl had her back facing the woman). The woman asks, "He... Hey, are... You... Okay?" The girl did not respond.

Instead, she went to a refrigerator door and wrote on the glass: L-U-C-Y. The woman finally took off her dark cloak, revealing her face. "Oh my God, Lucy! Is that you honey?"

The girl barely turned and showed a glimpse of her eye. "It's me! Your mother! Lorain!" "What's a mother?" The girl asked. "Excuse me?" "I have no mother." "What do you mean? I'm right here Lucy." "Well, I'm not."

Once this was said, a shadow grabbed the girl by the legs and dragged her out of Lorain's sight. Lorain ran to the girl and pulled on her hands. The girl said, "Let me go! Please." "No! What's wrong with you Lucy?" "Just let me go! You're hurting me!" "I will not let you go, Lucy!" "Who's Lucy?" The girl asked.

Lorain's fear grew as she hears footsteps coming up to her. (Her hands still held the girl). The footsteps got louder and louder.

Finally, Lorain turned around and saw that it was the same boy she saw at the grocery store. "How are you doing this!?" she yelled. "Doing what?" The boy asked. "I thought you were at the house!"

"What are you talking about?" "I'm pretty sure I put you in a bed in an abandoned house." "Oh! You must think I'm that boy. No lady. You see, I'm way worse than that boy. That boy is a problem that needs to be dealt with at once. Why don't you mind telling me where he is?"

The lady without thinking twice this time said, "I'll never tell you! You stupid little boy!" The boy said, "Shh... Look back at that bitch you're holding and see what I'm capable of." "Don't call my daughter a bitch!" "That's not your daughter," the boy clarified.

As she took a second look, she realized it was a different little girl. Her eyes looked at Lorain. Those beautiful eyes reminded her of her daughter's bright shining eyes. Lorain missed Lucy. She couldn't get over the fact that she might never find her daughter again.

She hugged the unknown child at her knees. Lorain was crying and grieving. She had mixed emotions. She screamed to the boy for a few seconds and stopped when she realized no one was there. The girl wasn't there either.

All those pieces were fragments of her traumatic mind. The clerk in the checkout line said, "Madame, it's almost closing time. Are you going to take your stuff already?" Lorain just sat there wondering what had just happened.

"Do you need help?" The clerk asks. Lorain said, "No, I... I got it." She grabs the bags and heads out the real exit. She covers herself up again completely with the dark robe, grabs the bags, and walks.

As she walks for a few minutes. A woman with dark orange/brown like hair appears. Along with a girl with dark hair and yellow highlights appeared towards her. Lorain just stood there quiet. There was a bit of silence for quite some time.

"What do you people want!?" Lorain asks. "For you to join us," Sherrie said. "Join you in what?" "It's not safe to talk about it here," Lexie says.

"What is it that I'm joining!?" Lorain asked in a frustrated tone. Sherrie and Lexie nod to each other giving the signal that they should tell her.

Sherrie goes up to Lorain and whispers something in her ear. After a few seconds of whispering. Lorain's facial expression changed in a weird like astonishment. "I'm in! But only because you forced me to think twice!"

Lexie asks, "Why are you getting groceries at 2:00 in the morning?" "It's the only time I have to get groceries," Lorain lies. "I see." Sherrie called Lexie for them to leave already. Lexie looks at the direction Lorain was going. She felt that one day, she would see that woman again. But, in a different environment.

Back to Lorain... She managed to go back to the abandoned house. She thought she would be safe. Once back inside, she put all the groceries away. Once put away, she looked in the living room to make sure the boy was safe.

He still moved ever so slightly. Besides grabbing food at the store, she bought a first aid kit. Along with some ice. The boy struggled a little in his sleep. "I'll take care of you as if you were my son," Lorain said quietly.

She saw that a bathroom light was on. She went to go turn off the light. But, out of curiosity, she looked at the clothes that were left by the boy.

There was a paper slid out of the left pocket. She grabbed the paper and opened it. Once read completely, her face gave the horrific expression of realizing something she shouldn't have...

Word count 3,636
