
Chapter 11

In Japan, 11:43 am. Every border of the country was sealed with titanium walls. And quarantine camps are placed. At the south border of the country that is connected to a bridge, some national guards are keeping peace everwhere. Some peoples migrated to the country, the border guards checked everyone.with patience. Its a very tight security arrangement. But they forgot one thing, an old man came with a briefcase in his hand. He, very cunningly escape from the guards and hid in an alley. Later, it revealed that it was a man of between 20 to 25 years. He opened his briefcase and took out a needle containing an unknown liquid. He approached a girl there and inject it onto her neck and swiftly disappeared. The girl quickly became unconscious. Two of the national guards approached her and checked her. But suddenly she wokes up and bit one of the guards. It was cleared that she transform into a Nightwalker. The border guards approached the scene and shot the girl dead. But before they can breathe a sigh of relief. An enormous horde of nightwalkers approached to the country. The armies tried to stop the horde but its too late. They already gets into the country and attacked everything. This time, they became very aggressive and radical in their tactics. Every try to stop them failed and atlast. The whole country ruined like a piece of glass breaking. They approached and nuclear power plant and releases a harmless gases creating a huge cloud covering the sun.
