
What He Want From You

"What is going on here... " Janna said and looking at us.. and looking at Sam.. they both are looking at us.. and Janna again started crying looking at him..

Sam walk where she is standing.. and stood front of her.. we all are looking at them..

" You... You are live.." she said and touch he's face.. and looking at him.. amd Sam looking at her and nodded with he's head..

" It can't be possible.. you are dead.. you are not my Sam.. who are you..." She said when Sam trying to touch her.. she push him away..

" It's me baby... Your Samy.." he said to her.. but she can't believe him.. she just push him over.. and she look at us I mean look at Max and ask him what what is going on here.. and ask him that who's that boy..

" He is Sam Janna.. your Sam.. and my brother.. our Sam.. " Max walk to her and said her.. and try to comfort her..

" You lied.. you lied to me.. you said he was dead.. " she yelled at Max..

" I know i am sorry.. I have to do this.. to you.. to us... " He try to clam her but she didn't.. tears coming down her face.. and she slaap to Max.. Sam Walk to her. And stood front of her. And try to hug her talk to her.. but Janna push him.. and also started to slapping him.. Sam didn't stop her. He know that he deserve it.. but it's not right time for this.. and i can't see both of them like this..

I stood up and walk to them.. and stop Janna.. and push away to Sam.. both Sam and Janna little stundd what i just did..

" You... What are you doing here.. and how dare to come between us.. I don't want to see you.. didn't i told you.. " she said and come to me.. and started to push me.. but i stop her..

" Shut the fuck up Janna.. stop your all drama.. I am tried of this.. we are tried of this.. " I yelled at her.. and Sam try to stop me.. he know that I will do something that now going to end well..

" It's all drama to you.. because of you it's All happening.. can't you see that.. " she said.. and i know i agree with her.. I agree with what she just said.. because of me it's l happening..  because of me Sam has to live like this.. because of me she lost him.. and think that he's dead.. because of me Dan leave him.. and broke her heart again.. it's all because of me..

" Shut up Janna.. it's not her fault.. you don't even know what happened to her.. how can you just say to her.. if you don't know anything.. don't said bad words to her.. i am tolerating you because of her.. or i will show you where you belong.. and it's not her.. it's you whom acting like bitch.. and keep hurting her.. " Amma stood up and yelled at her and stood besides me.. and hold my hand..

" Ohh I see now.. you all know this.. that's why you keep standing beside her.. can't you see what she done.. didn't you see she killed Dan.. she still using you guys.. for her own benefit.. i just can't believe you guys at side of her.. " she said to All of them..

" You don't know any half of story.. how can you sure of that.. and if she is using us.. than tell me how is Sam is live.. tell me.. answer that question.. " Amma said to her.. now i see that how she is in bitch mood.. she stop and look at Sam.. and she Walk to sam and grab he's caller and bagged her to answer all of this..

" I want to know.. how is this happened.. and this time I want know All true.. no more lies.. " she said to him.. and he nodded and than he hug her.. and she hug her back.. and cry to he's arm.. we all are look at them.. and again seat on couch.. Max come to seat beside me.. and pull me to he's lap.. i try to stood up but he just hold me tightly.. and i not in mood totalk about this about us.. so i just give up...

Amma seat in Tom's lap.. and they and same gose to Sam and Janna.. Janna still crying he's arm.. Sam try to console him.. and stop her.. when she stop.. that.. she looking at us.. and wait for that explains everything..

Sam told her everything what happened.. he told him about me.. about Ava.. about everything... And she looking at me.. I know she still mad at me.. because she also know that whatever happen it's because of me..

" Why she saved you.." Janna ask him looking at me..

" Because i didn't fight back.. she fight.. but i just welcome with her her every move.. so she give up.. and she know some trick so he just use on me.. and look like i dead.. and she leave the ring.. and all are know that i was dead.. even Max didn't know that.. but when he know.. we decided to don't tell anyone.. " Sam explain her.. and she nodded with her head..

" How did she know that you are live.. when they both know about it.. and i never thought that Amma also in all this stuff.. " she ask.. and than they tell her what happened.. and i just seat in the Max's lap.. and listen what they all are talking.. Max are playing with my hand and claim me.. and make me relax little bit..

" I don't know but i am still mad at All of you.. I don't know whatever reason is.. it's hurt me.. do you know how much it's hurt me.. I know who it's life without you.. Eve Max didn't want to spend time with me.. " she complain..

" I did it because your life in dangour can't you see how Dan use you.. I want to tell you that don't involve with him but when i see that he make you happy i didn't interfere after that.. " Max said to her..

" But why he use me. It's because i am close to you.. that's why.. that's why you just started to distance with me.. why can't you just told me about it.. I never involved with him.. I never fall for he's trap.. " she said.. but she can't still understand that how dangourse it is..

" Janna.. you didn't know anything about.. how can I explain to you.. they will know that Sam are still here live... " Max said to her..

I want to get upon he's lap.. I again to stood up but he grab my grab tightly and same time he touch my jew.. and it hurt like damn.. I yelled at in pain.. I keep controlling this pain.. when I yelled are eyes on us.. and than Max see what happen to me.. and than he's eye's landed on my jew.. and my lips.. he's touch my lips.. and than he got mad.. and angry.. her eyes he's red.. her Jew he's tightened..

" What happened.. how did it happened.." he said to me.. turned me around to him.. and looking at my lips my jew.. and started to looking at my whole body.. and than he touch my stomach and I just sigh.. and than he pull my hoodie and look at my stomach there is black and purple bruise big one in there.. and he look at that.. and all are looking at me.. Amma Walk to me.. and look at me.. and she just shock what she just saw..

" What happened to you Ava.. who did this to you.." Max yelled and i scared.. i looking at me.. and looking at him with little bit scared..

" I.. umm.. I.." i try to said but he again shouted at me..

" Don't shutter i want answers.. now.." he said to me..

" Did dan did this to you.. you kill him.. what happened.. " suddantly Janna said to me.. and all are looking at her and than me..

" Did he.." Max ask me.. and I look at him. And shake my head.. and said no to him that he didn't do to me anything..

" Than who did this.. " he ask me..

" Is there something going on with that Eric boy.." Ray said.. and all are looking him..

" No I saw that night.. some boys are attack her.. I saw her with that boy.. did this connected to him.. " he ask me again.. I look at Max.. he's looking at me with to much angry.. I know he will kill him..

" He is saying at true.. I want answer. If you didn't say anything.. I will myself go and ask him.. and kill him with my own hands.. Rose don't just give this silent treatment and answer the question.. " he yelled..

" NO... No he didn't do anything.. there is nothing he's fault.. so don't hurt him.. he didn't even knew anything about it.. " i said loudly so all are know it..

" Than tell me how this happened.. who did this.. " he ask me again.. it's irritating me more..

" It's none of your business.. now stop asking stupid question.. " i yelled at him.. and get up on he's lap.. and started Walk away to them.. but he grab my arm and stop me.. and than adam said something that all are stop and looking at me and than.. and waiting for answer..

" Eric and stefan are know each other right.. " adam said.. and i glare at him.. wow.. what the hell just happened..

" Now I get it... " Max said.. and look at me with red eyes..

" Now i want to know everything.. this time no more secret.. I want to know how the hell it's happened.. and why the hell he kill Dan.. " Max yelled.. and all are looking at us.. to me to answer and explain how it's Al Happened..

" It's ava." I said finally broke the silence..

" My sister.. whom Stefan obsessed with.." I said.. and than Max eyes gone wild.. and now he click..

" Oohh so that's why.. that's why you asking me that night what Happened to Eric.. and about Stefan.. now i get it.. " he said to me.. and I know he is mad at me that I hide if from him..

" You didn't know anything.. it's not that what you are thinking.." I yelled at him..

" Than explain.. if you don't.. what i supposed to think.. just tell me already.. or I am calling Stefan right now.. and I will ask him and get my All answers.. " he sand to me dangoursely.. i closed my eyes.. and take deep breath.. well now or later he will be know it..

" Fine.. i tell you.." I said..

" Stefan and I made deal.." I said..

" What.." all are looking at me.. and i don't want to look at them.. because I know after that when i yell them they will angry with me more..

" He told me that Justin not just coming here for fight.. he also come here to finish all your empire.. " i said to them.. they all are eyes wild..

" He not coming alone.. he also hire some shooter's.. and lots of fighter.. with big army.. " I said to them..

" I don't care.. when he come here.. i will kill him with my own hand.. " Max said..

" It's not easy Max.. I me i know we all can do this.. bit we not have idea how much they are coming.. and he know.. he know every damn think about me.. he know everything.. that i am your side.. and Dan told him.. even dan also fucking know.. can you believe it.. " I yelled at him.. and looking at All of them..

" He play me.. he play us.. all the damn time.. how can i forgive him.. after what he did to me.. to Janna.. i told him every damn time.. but he lie to me.. he lie Every damn time.. " I shout in loud angrily..

" What you made deal with him.. and i want to know about your bruise.. " he said to me..

" He told me that there is one time match that he want me to fight for him.. beside i will asked him whatever i want... " I told him..

" You fight.. why i didn't know this.. where is happened.. " Ray ask me..

" I don't know.. it's between jack and him.. they both are interfering each other's business.. so they both are challange each other.. and this happened.. " i told them..

" What you ask him to do... " Sam ask me.. I look at him..

" I told him.. " i said to him.. and he said same thing what i said to him..

" What you told him.." he repeat it..

" I told him that I want see dan dead body tomorrow in campus I mean today.. and he did what i said to him... " I tell him..

" You are monster you know.. can't you see you just murder someone.. I don't know how dangourse Dan is.. but he still can't deserve anything for this.. " Janna said to me..

" I know.. and I am hurt.. because whatever is that.. at the end.. he's my friend.. we use to together in our past life.. and he always make me feel happy.. " i told them.. and I started sobbing again. Amma come to me and hug me..

" Shh.. it's not your fault.. of you don't do anything.. he will do the same.. he already planning to kill Max.. " she said to me..

" What you mean killing Max.. " Janna said. And than Sam explain him how Dan told me to go closer to Max and use him and killed him..

" What.." she yelled..

" What you made deal with him.." Tom said ignoring Janna.. and all are again looking at me..

" He said that he has best shooter's in he's gang.. and he want to help us.. also get revenge to him for killing Ava.. " I said to him.. and he nodded..

" Ask him we no need he's help.. we are enough for it.." Max said to me..

" I cant... " I tell him.. and he got angry again..

" And why you can't..." He said..

" If i didn't accept he's help.. he will join Justin.. and i can't we can't beat them.. " i told him..

" So he threatened you for this.. but why.. why he want to help us.. and what he want for you... " Ray said to me.. and that is the most important thing that now I am telling in one word.. and that one word. I know that it's not the clear answer to them.. and they will never accept it.. or never ever agree with my decision..

" Me.." i said to them..
