
9. Unusual Day

It has been 2 weeks since I started exercising.

I spent the first two days doing the three steps that were given to me.

After that, I only meditated to increase my magic limit.

I also fought my brother every day to gain some experience in fighting.

Today is the last day and we would finally go to stand by my friends in Kingastia.

According to Alex, the NWS, Nature World Seeker, are planning to invade and take over Kingastia tomorrow.

As their name shows, they only tolerate nature as the ruler.

But honestly, who gave them the right to decide who will be the ruler?

Does Mother Nature herself have a special pass named "CAN YOU TAKE OVER THE WORLD? THANK YOU!" ?

I didn't understand.

Argjend meditated because that would be the quickest and most effective way to collect particles.

In the meantime, the body is in a state of rest and has basically set the switch for "absorb" to godly absorbtion (FULL POWER)".

When the stomach is completely full, the meditator notices it through a feeling of sattiness, but not of disappearing hunger.

Let's say you just feel it.

A certain amount of cestica is needed to cover the whole body.

I am 1.91m tall.

And I weigh 75kg.

I need 10 particles per KG.

So you need one Cestica particle per 100g.

Therefore I need 750 particles, or more precisely the cestica, to completely envelop my body.

(It will be a long way ...)



The particles are converted into cestica (magic).

A particle floating in the air holds Cestica within itself.

Which means that smaller creatures need to waste less magic and time to cover their entire body than larger ones.

That's why you have to enlarge your organ, which, unbelievably, can initially only store a single particle, as strange as it sounds.

The particles that the organ already consists of are released so that the new particles cling to them and recreate the organ, only larger.

So first I had to take 2 particles as one, because I can only expand or expand the organ with two particles.

Because only one would only satiate the organ.

One was outside the organ, one was inside the organ.

Which meant that the risk and the pain would not end.

I asked myself one thing.

If I had an organ that could hold 25 particles, would I have to take 50?

That sounds way too painful.

Something would be different...

*Sudden Snipping*

Argjend was interrupted by Brigjend from his thinking.

He kept flicking his face several times.

Argjend held his arm with a low sigh and said: "It's okay, I'm awake ..."

Brigjend nodded and replied while he put his thumb and forefinger on his chin and rubbed: "Yes, but for how long?"

Argjend got up and shoved him lightly with a hand on his right shoulder.

"Oh shut up."

"You meditated a lot and managed to increase the storage quantity of your organ to 15.", Brigjend told him what he had achieved in his training.

Argjend looked at him unsatisfied, he had questions.

He didn't know at all whether the result was good.

"You absorb the particles unusually quickly.

Others would have just got it to 5 in two weeks.

So they could only use 5 centimeters of their body completely. ", Added Brigjend and unconsciously filled the void in Argjend.

Argjend hit the open hand with his fist.

"Oh! So I can use 15 centimeters of my body completely?", Argjend understood and Brigjend nodded.


THAT I CAN'T EVEN USE THE SMALLEST FINGER AS AN ASS SCRATCHER! "Argjend shouted at Brigjend as he grabbed his collar.

He spat it full while he was talking and Brigjend repeatedly closed his eyes.

Brigjend put his hands on his shoulder to keep his target still.

He gave him a head-butt to break free from the torture.

Argjend was pushed back a little.

"Ah, shit! Why?", Argjend asked him while he held his head.

"I just wanted to.", Brigjend answered and Argjend got angry.

"I WILL KILL YOU! COME HERE!" He shouted and ran to him.

Brigjend ran away and laughed: "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ..."

Argjend ran after him and hit the air with one fist repeatedly, indirectly saying that Brigjend would be mud if he could get his hands on him.

"AHHH! WHAT IS THAT?!", Argjend suddenly startled and fell over.

Brigjend turned around, confused.

He saw the creature that had just emerged from the forest and gave Argjend a fright.

* "Goo ...." *
