

"Since you didn't even know the real intention behind it all, why did you continue to send his flowers after Grandma died?" asked Raelle to Mu Chenyan.

Mu Chenyan grinned at her in response, "Who cares about the intention? I just knew that my godmother wanted it so I continued her legacy without asking any questions. Besides, I thought Weimin would feel empty if the flowers stopped coming all of a sudden. I couldn't let that happen."

"I think you confused him more by continuing this legacy," was Raelle's point of view.

Mu Chenyan looked at Xiang Weimin who also nodded in response.

"And why didn't you continue it when he went to military academy?" asked Raelle. "It's not like you couldn't reach there."

"I could," replied Mu Chenyan. "But there was no fixed desk to put the flowers in anymore. So, I chose to just end it right there."
