
Annoy You In Vain

Song Xin'ai had just taken some fruit salad when Raelle came to her side. Song Xin'ai raised her brow in question, "Good morning, Raelle!"

"Morning, Professor Song!" 

"You're looking for me?" asked Song Xin'ai.

"I just came to invite you over," said Raelle as she pointed toward their table. "Everyone is together for breakfast this morning. Why don't you join us?"

Song Xin'ai was a little taken aback by this invitation. She looked over and saw everyone at the table chatting and laughing. She was momentarily a bit lost.

"Don't want to?" asked Raelle.

Song Xin'ai shook her head, "No. That's not it. It's just that... Won't I make everyone uncomfortable?"

"Talk about yourself," said Raelle. "I don't think the rest of them will mind."

"Then..." Song Xin'ai took a moment before nodding her head, "I'll come over."

"Okay," said Raelle and walked back to the leaving Song Xin'ai looking at her back. 
