

"Zhao, stop looking!"

Mu Chenyan had to come all the way from the other side of the hall to say this to Xia Zhao whose eyes had been glued to her since he came. Everywhere she went, she could feel his gaze. It made the cells in her body do something inexplicable. She couldn't even describe it right now.

"Now, there is a problem with me looking too?" asked Xia Zhao. "Soon, you're gonna have a problem with me breathing too. Should I stop breathing too?"

"Yes!" she replied. "If I tell you to stop looking, you stop. If I tell you to stop breathing, you do that too!"

"Unreasonable!" commented Xia Zhao.

"Then don't take it too far. I didn't ask you to stop breathing. I'm just asking you to stop looking at me."

"Why?" asked Xia Zhao. "Give me one reason why I should."

"You're making me feel uncomfortable."
