
[Bonus chapter] I'm Old Now

"Hi, little Justin," greeted Mu Chenyan. "You're very handsome, Justin. Do you know that?"

Justin smiled slightly at that and nodded, "Pretty sister said that too."

"Oh?" Mu Chenyan raised her brows when she saw his little smile. "And who is this pretty sister?"

"He is talking about Raelle," replied Xiang Wai.

"I didn't ask you," said Mu Chenyan. "I asked you to go and find out about lunch arrangements. I'm hungry. And we have a special little guest as well. How can we mistreat him?" Then she looked at Justin and asked, "What do you like to eat Justin?"

"I don't like green beans but apart from that, I like everything," answered Justin clearly. He usually didn't talk this much. But feeling Mu Chenyan's genuine kindness, he felt comfortable enough to talk about it with her. He could see her gentleness radiating from her eyes. 
