
Little Mr. Chen

Hyson had a lot more to say and Zhai Yanjun knew it too that's why he hung up to escape leaving Hyson with a stifled feeling. Once he hung up, he leaned his head against the headrest and closed his eyes before he laughed to himself. Anyone who saw him laughing all alone inside his car which was currently parked on the side of the road would assume that he had lost his mind and it wasn't that far off.

He already was happy knowing that Hyson was his little brother but now, he was even happier after bickering with this little brother. Hyson always had his own views and ideas that Zhai Yanjun knew all too well. So, he wasn't really surprised by how Hyson spoke. His assumption was proven true that Hyson already knew about their relationship. And just as he thought, he wasn't willing to accept it either. 
