
Very Lonely

Hyson looked down at his phone screen and then looked up at the sign in front of him. It seemed like he was at the right location but he didn't expect this location to be such a place.

"There is still time before the sunset," he muttered to himself. "Why are people calling me to a bar?"

More than the former part, he was confused about the latter part. Obviously, people can drink in daylight who made the rule that they can't? Who is he to question that? But did he look like someone who was a patron of such establishments? He did not think he looked like someone who frequented a bar. 

Still, he walked inside silently. In the sophisticated bar, there weren't that many people at this time. As the office hours just ended, the people were yet to come to hang out at such a place. And that made it easier for Hyson to find the person who called him here.

He went to the bar counter and sat down on the high stool. 
