

Shui Xian entered the ward once again. And as Raelle had said, she followed behind him silently. In fact, right now it was even difficult to tell if she was there or not. She had made her presence seem so small. Usually, when she entered a room, she always commanded attention to the point that no one would dare look at anyone else but her.

But right now, you couldn't really tell if she was there or not.

Especially since her body was completely hidden behind Shui Xian. And the other reason why Tang Hebe didn't notice her was that her eyes were locked on Shui Xian. 

"Ah-Xian!" Of course, Tang Hebe could see no one else but him. Hadn't it always been like that when they were young?

It even made Shui Xian feel like he went back to the past. Back then, all he saw in her eyes was his own reflection. He could easily see how passionately she loved him. But so what? Was that love even enough to support their marriage? It certainly didn't prove to be.
