
Long Or Short

Shui Xian opened the lunchbox and spread each layer before the two of them. It could be seen that today's lunch was more sumptuous than on other days. But his attention wasn't on food at all. His attention was on his wife. He couldn't stop himself from looking at her.

While Raelle just focused on eating in silence as always. Her attention was grabbed by the food and Shui Xian's attention was grabbed by her. He bit the tips of his chopsticks while his eyes just continued to follow her movements. He was a bit in a daze seeing her eating here in his office. 

Raelle had to peel her attention away from lunch and look at him, "Eat!"

"Oh," was Shui Xian's response and he forced himself to pay attention to his meal. 

After lunch, Raelle was about to stand when he held her wrist and asked, "Where are you going? You can't leave so soon."

Raelle faced him in silence before saying, "I was going to wash my hands."
