
Too Short OR Too Long?

Shui Xian placed his chin at the top of her head as he said, "It's actually more like a getaway. I can hardly even consider it a honeymoon."

"We have already been on a honeymoon," said Raelle matter-of-factly. She still remembered every single second of that honeymoon which also lasted for only two days on a snow peak. Cooped up in a cozy cottage, they spent quality time with each other and learned something about each other.

Shui Xian placed his hands on her face and made her look at him. With her chin on his chest, she met his eyes as he said, "You don't really think that those days were enough for a honeymoon, do you?"

Raelle didn't know why but she could tell this was a tricky question. Was she supposed to answer truthfully? Like hell, she would lie. So, she honestly said, "Wasn't it enough?"

Shui Xian pinched her cheeks, "Don't even think about it! That can only be considered an appetizer. Especially since I hardly knew you back then."
