

Cloe took a moment before asking, "Are those tears of pride? Sadness? Or something else?"

Hyson wiped the corners of his eyes, "I've always been proud of her. That won't change. And yes, sometimes looking at her does make me feel sad as well. I won't deny that either. As for the tears in my eyes... I think it's just because I feel blessed right now."

Cloe silently stared at his face. She had to agree, he should be feeling blessed. It wasn't every day one would find a friend like Raelle Xiang. And she could say that with experience. Since she had always been surrounded by scheming people in her life, it feels kind of comforting to meet simple people like Raelle and Hyson. 

There was no disguise in their friendship. Even their souls were laid bare before each other. 

And that was the reason why Hyson called Raelle his soulmate friend. 
