
A Different World

When everyone entered the house, Shui Koshing first went to greet the elders. "Uncle Yang, didn't you promise to come over to my place? How did you end up here?"

Zhai Feiyang looked at his late best friend's son and smiled gently, "Since Tianyu is your neighbor, I thought it'd be better to have everyone here together."

"Excuses!" muttered Shui Koshing but didn't continue this topic and turned to greet Grandmother Zhai.

Since the time his own father died, his father's best friends, Xiang Tianyu and Zhai Feiyang had taken the place of his father in his life. And that's why he was really comfortable with these two elders who always made him feel like family. When he was young, he found their discussion too profound but now, surprisingly, he loved listening to these two elders who had seen the world and had a deeper understanding of worldly affairs.
