
What I need... are muscles!

After two months, he managed to gain enough galleons for potions. His mother was often one buying things to not attract eyes of people.

From random perspective, she was muggle born wizard uncomfortably buying magic supplies. Her dignity was already tossed away years ago, making her indifferent to gazes of idiotic wizards.

'I need to add some safe measures to my Occlumency.' During his previous life, he read many fanfics. This retarded ragged cap could go through shields in most cases, actually his thoughts were on creating some tattoo like magic.

'Activating when someone tried to attack my mind. Countering their foolish move with their most dreadful nightmare.' During intaking strengthening potions, his body grew few centimeters taller. His typical scrawny appearance disappeared and got replaced by bulky muscles.

'I look little like this Hercules child.' Remembering about the child with spectacular muscles, thanks to training from young age and some sneaky steroids fed by parents.

Tying his loose hair into a bun made him look cooler, he started to plan his next move.

'I need to develop a better way of fighting.' Standard way of dueling was dull for him, he felt like being able use magic was jolly thing. His mind was occupied with games, anime and weird concepts to use as foundation of some crazy spells.

'I can handle most things with my current set of spells. I should aim higher! I am Severus Snape. Ruling over Britain? It's boring… Those magicians are all boring. Most funny is their purity which leads to raise of Squibs or lack of intellect.' His thoughts fell on interesting characters with stupid fates, killed by plot holes or because of author's bad mood.

'Let me think… Flash guy was killed probably in next books by Dumbledore.' He stopped checking this universe in moment author stopped being writer and started to be politician.

'This phoenix… I don't really like idea of this guy having phoenix.' The best thing will be to kill or steal this pet from him.

'I need to study an origin of magic in humans too. I should probably go and learn some science. Learning things will be fun!' There were to theories to check related to fixing couple important things. First was magic was passed by bloodline, making magical ability genetically inherited or blood inherited. It sounded the same, however blood could be more important in some universes.

Next theory was in fact making wizards like mutants from Marvel, having some gene responsible of awakening their magic. It would be more logical explanation for wizards born in muggle families. This would be great argument for theory that all magical people are actually muggle born.

'They despise ordinary people so much. In fact they are so behind with culture and technology.' Making their worship of purity shear stupidity, genetically speaking their goal was extinction of all wizards.

'If you run around with a piece of stick… Few additional chromosomes don't make a difference.' They basically slept with their cousins all the time, making their genetical pool very small.

'It's still 1968… Bellatrix hasn't joined snake face yet… She had an obsession with dark arts though. They are messing with her mind. Snake face only added oil to fire. Breaking her mind completely.' It was regretful to Black family end without proper leader after war.

'Regulus dead. Sirius…not so serious. All daughters married off… If I kill off Lastranges and Malfoys. I think old generation needs to drink some bleach. Their brains are completely spoiled…' Remembering one of the fan films about three sisters and attitude of their father. It made him detest their family even more.

'Okay. I am getting overly excited. I almost have year to befriend Lily. It would be best if I researched origin of magic…' If there was possibility of awakening the magic in nomage, he would be able to solve conflict between sisters. Little Petunia was always jealous of her sister being special, and it would be even better if he could transfer magic from those purity freaks. Turning them into their faith into a joke, it would be grand social experiment too. Observing if their words about being muggleborn was good enough reason to commit suicide.

'I should start from the closest thing…' His goal was to disguise himself and go to some university study genetics.

'If I can understand genetics… I improve non magical equipment and adapt this to magical world.' This would clarify origin of magic or help with solving shortcomings of lycanthropy.

His actual goal wasn't degree, and all he needed were books in their libraries and experimenting equipment. Using ageing potion to make his appearance into mid-twenties, he entered the university with couple persuasions.

Three month allowed him to understand and utilize most of their knowledge about genetics, and he spent another few weeks on partying all night. Striking few bases with various women. Life of a hedonistic wizard wasn't bad, yet he eventually got bored by those one night stands. All those pleasures were shallow, it was fun to be university student once more.

Getting back to new house, they bought with hardly earned money from selling part of his potions. Tobias tried hard to rebuild trust and relationship with Eileen, she didn't condemn him for all those years. Issue was her subconsciousness, after being abused for so long time some things came to her automatically.

Their house wasn't far from previous place, he didn't to move far from previous place. Using one of the spare rooms as his workshop, putting some copied equipment from university labs.

'Hahaha. Why did she write that magic fucks up with electricity, though?' Wizards thought that muggle technology is inferior and its usage was like lowering their status.

'It will take some time…' Finding difference required many samples, there wasn't any sign that specific gene was magical.

His first research was using genetic samples from himself and his father, unfortunately this was bringing any progress.

'It would be great if I found twins with one squib…' Only twins with such state were from legend of Ilvermorny school, however he recalled one of the events during this time.

'Squib rights marches! I once checked if there was ever one competent minister…' His interest was lost after understanding last three ministers before philosopher stone book.

'Lucius father… I need getting rid of him soon.' He remembered reading something about his plot to get rid of first muggleborn minister of magic.

'I was so indulged with myself… Let's look for some stable news of wizarding the world.' His family mainly lived in their house or worked to earn money. Tobias was mostly working as clerk in nearby store owned by some of his old associates.

After taking some potions from his son, his appearance improved to point of attracting clients.

'I still have thoughts about being John… John White is dead. I am Severus Snape. Half-blood prince…' This tittle didn't suit him as he wasn't Slytherin in mind, he didn't plan to let an old dusty piece of garderobe control his life.

'I am nine now. The most pathetic thing was fact… I had more women in last month than in my entire previous life.' Severus thought about his predecessor life, he loved woman and everything was lost thanks to his hatred to muggles.

'Wait. Why some of my memories are fuzzy…' Using some charms to restore those memories allowed him to find the truth.

'Hohoho! Romance with Narcissa in the end of 1979… Don't tell me. Fuck. Draco Snape?' Something like this to one of his death eater friends.

'It might be coincidence… I don't know what to think…' She was wife of Malfoy during their romance, and he didn't know what to think about this situation.

'I don't like Malfoys anyway.' Resurrection of Prince family would be built on their blood and bones, and he planned to use some of them as experiment subjects for magic sealing or stealing.

'I should slowly perfect my techniques.' There were couple projects with bigger importance, going to squib march and finding some twins for genetic samples.

'If I succeed in this project. It will be to break this world rules completely.' No more bloodline supremacy or state of secrecy, wizard will stop being special and entire world will advance forward.

'I need to kill off some useless families in the process and get the army.' There was possibility of being marked as another dark lord for changing their outdated community.

'Both previous Dark lords had something with muggles. Rule? Exterminate? I say absorb.' This world was his new home, and he didn't care much for medieval society of dress wearing people.

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