

"I think you've seen the video," said David. "And I'm guessing you're not going to watch it all the way through."

David's words were like a bolt of lightning to Axcel. His anger and embarrassment about the video of himself that he had just seen was now replaced by fear.

Even as he replied, his voice trembled. Whether it's because of fear, or panic. To be sure, he didn't like the video he saw or this call from David.

"What… what do you want?" asked Axcel. He really wanted to either end the call or slam the phone down, just like he did with his laptop.

However, it's a shame he couldn't do that, Axcel didn't know what Ramon would do to him if he acted like a willful young master.

"Mr. Tordoff doesn't want anything from you." Answered the voice from the other end of the line. "Not yet," David added in a meaningful tone.

Hearing that, Axcel could only clench his jaw and close his eyes, hoping this would be over soon.
