
How to Make a Cat/Dog

When I was a little tyke, I used to watch a cartoon called "Ren and Stimpy". A cat and dog having the time of their lives. Then later on in the years, the cartoon "Catdog" came along. The combination of a cat and dog with zero anuses in sight.

Well, recently I came across a phenomenal anomaly. I was simply walking down the street and I heard a light whimpering and a slightly sexual yet vicious hissing. A small dog, Yorkshire terrier from what I could tell, was having consensual sexual intercourse with a Bengal cat. A Bengal cat is a feline that only has one layer of fur instead of the normal two layers. It also had a circular design on its coat much like a leopard but sexier.

I interviewed the couple after they had finished. This couple was trying to produce a cat/dog of its own. I applaud the bravery this little tag team had in this day and age. The Yorkie and Bengal had been together for over 2 years with no luck yet. I investigated the problem and it seemed the Yorkie and Bengal were both males.

So we have a Male Yorkie being anally penetrated by a Male Bengal and the Yorkie didn't know it. I broke the news to these love birds and all hell broke loose. The Bengal refused to comment anymore and quickly left the area leaving a trail of male cat skeet I have never seen before, except in my dreams.

The Yorkie stayed much to my surprise. He informed me that he knew he was a male the entire time but lead the Bengal on because anal sex was the best sex for him. Now, he quickly denied any homosexual tendencies. I assured the Yorkie that we are a free people. We can live, love, and do whatever we want. Judgement is for the weak.

The smell of dog anus was engulfing the area so I went about my business. My brain had been enlightened, my eyes had seen the unthinkable and I was perfectly fine with it. Love is love, it's not a gender or a cookie cutter thing.
