

120 seconds… That's all it took.

No….. Maybe it was even less than that. Everyone looked towards the spectacle. Even Snow. Who Immediately got up and moved near Bal defensively.

'I know Bamboo is said to grow quickly but isn't this just a bit too absurd!? I thought I'd have to wait at least a day or two before seeing any results. Could it have something to do with the radiation? Or maybe it has something to do with my skill? But why is it red?'

'For some reason it drained my MP… Maybe plant growth is accelerated when influenced by magic? Or perhaps the magic was affected by the surrounding radiation somehow and created this effect.'


I turned towards the nearby ghouls, not really sure which one spoke. They all shared similarly shocked faces….. But whoever said it, was right.

I continued looking towards the Bamboo. It was beautiful…. A strong base thicker than a man's arm. Higher up was a patch of green leaves. The plant itself was red and the nodes were outlined black. I was so absorbed I failed to notice the Mind bridge being formed.


I was snapped awake by mother's call.

'Mother?..... Oh? Did I surprise you?'

She looked at me for a moment before nodding.

'Mother was worried. Small tree grew very fast.'

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. If I didn't know any better. I'd probably be nervous too.

'Did I worry you?….. It's alright, there's nothing dangerous... Well, at least I don't think it is.'

She may still be a bit shaken up after what happened. But I can't blame her. After all, I almost died.

'Mmm, Stay safe…. Bal.'

'I'll try Snow.'

I felt the connection disappear and she laid not too far away.

Glancing towards the red Bamboo…. I contemplated what I should do now.

Should I harvest it? Plant more? Or maybe just leave it alone?


I moved closer and placed my hand on it. It was hard…. And smooth. Almost like polished wood.

The action of walking forward seemed to break the surrounding ghouls out of their stupor.

How could something like this happen? Was Bert just a really $hity farmer? Or was there more to it?

"What?..... Bert..... What the hell is going on? Why did this grow so quickly? Actually, How the hell did it even grow to begin with? I thought with all the surrounding radiation nothing could survive?"

When Jill asked the question she and the other two looked to him for some kind of answer. But he just stared at the bamboo. Never even glancing their way.


(Music here)






"So what did you do at school today?"

The faceless woman sitting at the table with her husband and son posed a question.

The little boy poked at his peas mulling over the question.

"Mmmm, They asked what we wanted to be when we're grown-ups."

The two parents share a glance before the mother poses a question.

"And? What did you say?"

"I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up.. They said I have to give an actual answer, so I put down a fireman."

"Why didn't you put down farmer? Like your old man."

The faceless man grinned and pointed to himself.

The boy looked at him with a strange expression before giving a reply that made his father stagger.

"Eh? I hate farming."






*Bang, Bang, Bang*

"What are you doing Bert? Hurry up and get outside. You know with my back I can't do as much as I used to. And your mother ain't strong enough to help pull out those weeds either. Huh? What's that?"

Opening the door a faceless man in a white shirt looked into the bedroom. Inside was a young man sitting at a desk, reading through some heavy looking books.

"Huh? Oh ah, I was just reading…. Ah, what did you need me for?

The large faceless man seemed to huff out in annoyance while shaking his head.

"I've been calling you for 20 damn minutes, And you're telling me that you've been ignoring me this whole time for a comic book? Hurry up and get your ass outside."

"I just didn't hear you! And it's not a comic book!"

The large man who was halfway out the door paused. Slowly, he turned around and spoke in a stern voice….

"What. Are. You. reading?"

"Wha? I was reading some school books… When I graduate I was planning on attending vault te-"


Before the young man could finish, he was coldly cut off.

"B-But you didn't even listen to what I had to say!"

"You were saying you were studying for college?"

"Yes I was-"

"Is it agriculture?"

"N-No, but-"

"Then no."

"What why!?"

"I'm Getting old Bert…. And this farm has been in the family for generations…. I can't take care of it for much longer… Your mother is the same. If you had siblings then maybe they could inherit it. But you don't."

"But! That's not what I want to do with my life!"

"Bert….. You can either throw those books away or you can get out. There's no in between."

"T-that!... Y-"

"You heard me."






"Bert….. Please stay."

The faceless woman was shaking as she held the sleeve of a young man. A stern faceless man stood by her side with his arms crossed.

The man the woman was speaking to was holding some bags, no doubt he was going somewhere.

His hesitation in his movements gave the women a bit of hope…. But….

"Ma…. I…. I just can't…. If I don't leave and stay.... I'll never be able to dictate my own life…. But don't worry….. When I have time I'll come to visit. Maybe I'll even buy a nearby house one day.

After giving her an answer, the young man pulled away and left. Sniffling, the woman hugged her husband who wrapped his arms around her. Nobody noticed but the husband, and father had a small smile on his face. He wasn't happy... He definitely wasn't happy…... But..... He was proud.






"Mom! Dad!"

The man yelled out in a hoarse sorrowful voice as he held onto the hairless flaky skinned corpses. Their skin was not too different from his own.


"Why!? Why didn't you come!!? I sent you multiple Holotapes! We all could have entered the vault together!!"

Feeling woozy from all the radiation radiating in his body, he felt himself about to pass out.

"You…. Would have still been alive.... Dammit... Why were you so stubborn?"












"Are you still at it? Just put the hoe down…"








"Nothing's gonna grow…. No matter how hard you try…. So why are you still out here?"








"You're just wasting your time."








That guy is still at it?








"Why the hell are you still working on this farm anyway? Not like we gotta eat. And even if it's just for the taste it's been three years. The soil just isn't fertile."








By the way….. Why are you trying to grow anything? Do ghouls even need to eat?'


'Is that so?... Your words imply that nothing has ever grown from this farm. If that's the case, why haven't you stopped?'


"Well.... I... I don't really know myself."



'Let me try…....'











Bert placed his hand on the red bamboo.

'Mom….. Dad….. It's.... Been so long….. So long since your farm has grown anything.'

And it's a big beautiful red bamboo…..

'What's more, I realized something.'


'I still hate farming.'

The others watched as the ghoul covered his mouth and chuckled.


I looked at Bert in confusion and created a Mind Link….

'Is something the matter?'

Just as I did, I felt a wave of emotions and intent flow through me…. Anger, sadness, regret, thankfulness, and fulfillment. There was so much that It actually felt a bit disorienting. 

I waited for a response but I got nothing, so I cut the connection. It seems my small gesture meant more to him than I could have ever expected.

Time passed and….. that guy... He….. just….. kept laughing.



A few more minutes passed before Bert calmed down. In the time he was laughing the other ghouls from inside heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. Seeing the large Bamboo in the soil they were equally as shocked as the others. Tommy explained to them everything that happened, catching them up to speed. Bruce just stared at Bert in confusion like the others while Marcus and Jacob looked like they understood a bit of what was going on. Though Marcus unlike the others took sneaking glances towards Setherrog every now and then.

'Just what are you?'

Bert wiped the imaginary tears from his eyes before looking at everyone with a smile.

"S-sorry I've calmed down. It's just, I didn't expect anything to ever grow here again… It was so unexpected that when it happened... I just felt so light on my feet. Next thing I knew I was laughing."

"What the hell Bert. For a second there I thought you lost your mind!"

Jill began yelling at him but halfway through she also began smiling.

"So. The hell was that?"

The one who asked the question was surprisingly Bruce?

There was a momentary silence as everyone's gaze drifted to me. I felt my tail start twitching…

"Well... Consider it payback for saving my life… As well as an apology for what happened earlier."

End of chapter.
