
Two men talk

"Assalamualaikum, Mom." Rey said after sliding the colored button on her cellphone screen.

"Jelita and Ronald are awake. Thank God, then, when the affairs at the police station are finished, Rey will immediately return to the hospital." Rey continued to her mother.

"Okay, thank you, ma'am, greetings to all who were there. Ehm . . . Yes .. .. Ma .. . . Ehm, Waalaikumsalam warahmatullah." Rey put the phone back in her pocket after hanging up the call from her mother.

"How are they?" Asked Arka who was driving beside Rey.

"Thank God they are awake and fine." Rey replied with a friendly smile and occasionally looked at Arka who was driving.

"In that case, thank God." Arka said, and Rey nodded in response.

"Um, Rey. Can I ask you something?"

Rey turned to Arka, and firmly nodded her head while answering. "Sure, what do you want to ask, Ka?"

"How far are you from my sister?"

"You mean?"
