
108 The Ambition of Scholars

        Most of the scholars and intellectual groups in Qinghua City have transferred their foundations. Come to live in the capital Shenzhou. Some of them had to hear a verdict on the rebellion. But most of the courts have sentenced them to reduce the punishment for their freedom.

    Causing most of the intellectuals to reside in the capital permanently for many unique reasons, such as First of all, the Great Da Zhou land is now unified. There was no reason for them to settle in Qinghua City any longer. They want to serve the governor. Living in the capital is the right idea.

    Later, the capital of Shenzhou was too attractive. The incoming intellectuals were so fascinated that they could not withdraw. They cannot go back to their original lives any longer. Just their villa with a light bulb can light up all night. Read a book at night without a problem. You don't have to rely on the slightest flames of candles to cause eye strain.
