
Chapter 34 The First Battle Part 2

Her black heels clicked on the wooden floor as she graciously strode right towards me, the black leather suit clinging onto her curves like a second skin, lightly stretching with her every cat-like move, a devilish smirk plastered on her feminine features the whole time while two guys, also dressed in black, looking like they were her bodyguards followed her, one of them slowly closing the door behind him.

She curiously raised one eyebrow as soon as her eyes landed on "my teacher", staring at his?bleeding?nose, before she asked.

"What happened?"

Mr. Tate?ran a hand under his nose, wiping away the pitch black liquid.

"I tried to?play?a little with that pretty mind of hers, but I couldn't even reach it! It's like, she simply?pushed?me away! And then the bitch punched me!" He incredulously shouted, staring at me in disbelief and only then I noticed that she was pensively staring at me too, seeming like she was trying to figure something out.

What the hell is going on here?
