
1178. A Protective Mother

The calming waves skill was not one that Walker used often. It was mostly due to the fact that he believed that skills had a time and a place they could be used best. Now was one of the times that he thought it was worth the risk to use. He would be alerting any other monster nearby of their presence, however, he would hopefully calm the mother stoney bear so he could heal it. 

"Just stay there and I will heal you. I don't want to harm your cubs. They need you to survive so I can't let you stay that way." He could see the pieces of fur and skin that the razor clawed badger had torn from the stoney bear. Just as the razor clawed badgers were tough, so were stoney bears. They could resist a great many attacks before they fell. Unfortunately, that meant they could be left with wounds that slowly killed them. This was the case with the injuries the stoney bear currently had. 
