
745. Elven Item Wonders

Walker found that he had managed to fall asleep sitting at the dining table. Midnight and Onyx were still asleep by the fire but there had been a change. The old master alchemist had moved to the dining table and was sifting through a small pouch of herbs. "You made it back and awake just in time for some tea. I made a new brew with some lemon grass and poppy seed." The old master alchemist had already gotten the hot water and was filling the tea bags. 

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stretching his sore back, Walker nodded his head yes. "I didn't mean to sleep down here but I guess I was more tired than I thought." Walker noticed that the plated he had made some food on was already taken away. He hoped that his mother hadn't been forced to clean up behind him. 
