
734. Marked Path

"Small problem? You already solved it? How could you have already solved it? The fields are still blackened and ashyQ" Walker was now questioning what the king was saying or if the king was actually the king at all. The change in clothing and the decree that he had already solved the food issue made him very suspicious. 

"Ha! I knew you would be skeptical." The king looked at every party member and saw the same confused and quizzical look as Walker had on his face. "Just go outside. Bt my estimate you should be seeing the first of the coming deliveries. It cost us a decent amount but it is why we have allies." 

"What is he talking about?" Remey was the first to break the silence as the entire party moved out toward the open square of the cathedral. They had their attention drawn by the commotion at the cathedral entrance but had just assumed it was a last minute injury. Now they were not so sure since they found a group of people looking straight up at the sky. 
