
Chapter 4

"Jayson Hunter"

As I entered my eyes fell on him, sitting at the corner seat looking so perfect in his black leather jacket. He was looking at his phone but I guess he felt me staring at him and he looked up and our eyes met. My throat went dry, I licked my bottom lip and his gaze flickered to my lips.

I froze on the spot. I felt somebody tapping my shoulder, when I turned around it was my teacher, he said, "Sienna will you please take a seat so that we can begin with our class". I nodded at him and I took the seat that was farthest from his.

In the whole lecture, I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't dare to look back once because I wasn't sure what I might do. I couldn't concentrate on anything the whole time and didn't listen to a word during the whole class, it felt like years but the class was finally over.

The teacher was calling out our names for the attendance, that is when I looked up at him from the side of my eyes. When the teacher called out the name Jayson Hunter, I heard him answer. When I heard his voice, it felt like a wave of cold breeze hit me and I shuddered from the feeling. His voice was so deep but so soothing to my ears.

When I looked at him, his eyes were already on me. Everybody was moving out of the class and I didn't know what to do. Do I let him leave first and wait till everybody has left or I run out of here and as far away from him as possible? Then I saw him stand up and make his way towards me instead of the door and I panicked and decided plan B was the answer.

I stood up and ran out of the crowd so fast as I saw some ghosts. I didn't wait for Liam and Becky or V and ran home on my own. I texted all three of them that I am already home so that they won't worry, I'll think of an excuse later.

I came back home and sat in the living area; all my thoughts were on him only. Sometime later I heard Liam's car and went to my room because I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. I was on my bed, didn't even bother to change and I slept with the last of my thoughts about his eyes staring deep into mine.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door and Becky calling out my name. I looked out the window, the sun was already down and the clock was showing 8, I called out "I'll be down in five minutes Becks". "Okay, make it quick dinner's already served" she replied and I heard her leave. I freshened up and joined them downstairs.

Looking at all the food on the table, my stomach growled really loudly which made Liam laugh. I smacked his head "shut up I haven't had anything since breakfast". He was still laughing at me, I looked at Becky with a sad puppy face and she gave Liam a look to shut him up. "Sorry mom" Liam muttered under his breath and I grinned at him.

As we all sat down to eat, Liam questioned "why did you come home on your own and didn't wait for us"? "Eh, no specific reason. I was free and had no class so I thought instead of waiting for an hour I can just walk back home" I answered. Liam looked suspicious "are you sure that's all", "yes Li don't over thinking I'm fine", I said. He was still suspicious but didn't question any further. After eating, I helped Becky to clean up the dishes and after that, we all sat in the living area talking about how the day went.

A whole month passed and I was playing this game of cat and mouse with my mate. Anytime I saw him I ran as far away as I could. I share one lecture with him, half of the times I didn't even attend the class because being so close to him and not even being able to have a proper look, it makes my heartache.

The days I attended that lecture I'd make sure to sit farthest from him, but I couldn't stop myself from stealing glances at him. I have seen girls sticking to his arms like leeches, it makes me so furious I just feel like ripping their limbs out and make sure they feel every bit of the pain. But I was glad he wasn't like that, even after so much attention he would just ignore the girls or shoo them away.

I was hardly getting any sleep at night. Some nights his thoughts won't let me sleep, some nights the fear of nightmare. I knew I needed to sleep better because I was getting really tired and apparently an hour or two a day is not enough time for sleeping. Becky, Liam, and even V could notice my dark circles but I just kept telling them I was fine.

V and I were going strong I totally love her, she's amazing and makes my life a little easier with her stupidity. She has been to my house a few times because we were working on a few assignments together also, she loves to hang out with the three of us.

I was so tired today, I felt like I'd pass out any moment if I don't get the proper amount of sleep. The whole day passed in a blur; I don't even know how I made it through the day. When we got back, I just told Becky that I wasn't hungry and I'll just go and sleep. I passed out the moment my head hit the pillow.

I was panting as I had run for miles. I stopped to catch a breath and I saw Jayson on his knees, his hands were cuffed with thick chains and he was bleeding. He looked so weak like he has been beaten for days. There were so many bruises and cuts on his body. I called out his name and I tried to run towards him but someone held me so tight I could not move. He whispered in my ear "look what happened to the poor guy just because he was your mate", I didn't have to look at his face to find out who he was I knew the voice too well. I begged him to let my mate go and kill me instead. He just laughed at my efforts. I was shouting out Jayson's name, it looked like he wasn't awake, I screamed for him, I begged that monster to let me go near him, I couldn't stop crying and felt my mate's pain piercing my own heart. I guess my screaming woke him up, he whispered my name when I heard it my eyes met his. I could see the pain in them, he opened his mouth to say something but he was so drained out and was in so much pain he couldn't utter a word. He tried again and said "Sienna" before he could say anything else someone ripped his spine out, I ran towards Jayson and his body fell in my arms. I screamed his name so loud; his blood was on my hands and all over my clothes, I just kept screaming his name but he was already dead.

When my eyes opened, I saw Liam was holding me so tight and shouting my name. I was so scared and kept repeating "he killed him, he killed Jayson", tears didn't stop flowing from my eyes. Liam shook me really hard and shouted "Sienna, look at me, nothing happened it was just a bad dream". I brought my hands up and said "but there was his blood on my hands and on my clothes, he killed him, Liam he killed the only person I wanted to live for". "Sienna, nobody killed anyone, it was just a bad dream" and he pulled me in his chest.

I pushed him back and stood up hurriedly "I've to go check him, Liam I've to see with my own eyes that he's fine". "It's midnight and we don't even know where he lives, tomorrow when we go to college, we'll meet him and then you can see that he's perfectly fine", he said.

I growled, "I don't care, he's my mate and I'll find him". Becky came forward and said "okay fine we'll go now but first have some water because you don't want your mate to see you like that, right honey". I nodded and had some of it, she must have added a few sleeping pills to it doctor gave for the worst nights because after a few moments I couldn't keep my eyes open and blacked out.

When I woke up, I saw it was half-past eight in the morning, I looked to my left and Liam was sitting there sleeping and had my hand gripped in his own. Events of last night came back to me and I realized he must have been worried that's why he stayed back with me. I felt so bad for him and Becky because I want it or not, they are still carrying my emotional burden.

I gently woke him up, when his eyes landed on me he hugged me so tight and said "I was so worried Enna, please tell me you're fine now", "hey I'm fine, I'm sorry for yesterday but I'm okay now" I said as I hugged him back. "Thank you for being here for me Li" I added as we pulled back.

"You don't have to thank me, neither you've to be sorry for anything. You're my little sister and I'm here for you always". He got up and left for his room saying "get ready we're leaving in ten", I nodded. I got up, did my whole morning routine, and went down.

Becky has already prepared everything and when she saw she hugged me and asked "how are you feeling"? "I'm fine, don't worry okay" I answered. Liam also came already, we ate our breakfast silently and left. I was getting so many texts from V asking where I was and why I wasn't in class already.

When we reached, the first lecture had already started so I texted V to meet in third because I was straight away going for my second class, history. I reached there ten minutes early and was desperately waiting for him to walk in. I was dying to see that he was fine.

When the lecture began students started walking in but he wasn't one of them. I was still hoping that he'd come and was just late. The class ended and he was still not there.

My heart was aching for him, to confirm that he is fine but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I couldn't pay attention to anything because all I could think about was my mate. I just wanted to see him once. It was lunchtime and I was being hopeful to see him in the cafeteria but he wasn't even there. My lycan was also getting crazy by moment. I ate some of my food and threw the rest away and said goodbye to Liam and Becky and said I had to do some work.
