
Securing the Bottles

Lydia placed her hand into his, and was surprised at how small her fingers were in comparison to his long ones. His fingers instantly wrapped around her hand and he helped her out of the car and then locked it.

Soon, they were surrounded in pitch-darkness and Lydia was terrified. The haunted house didn't scare her because she knew it was safe and there were actors inside. But in a dead forest like this, where her senses were on high alert, and murderers could be lurking in the trees, she was frightened.

"D-don't walk ahead of me," Lydia said, holding onto his arm in fear. "Please tell me you have a flashlight."

Weston was surprised by a sudden surge of strength. He didn't realize it sooner, but his body felt lighter than usual. It must've been the powers of the Golden Rose.

Regardless, Weston glanced at her. 

"Now, who's the Damsel-In-Distress?" he said, his lips curling into a smirk.
