
A Demon

Another day without rest. No matter how much I scrub the stain left on the carpet, it wouldn't disappear. I heard my stomach grumble, reminding me I didn't get the time to eat breakfast and lunch.

My stomach grumbled once more, calling me to eat, and so I made my way to the kitchen. Really being the only maid in this place is tiring. Once I'm done cleaning, I still have to do the laundry. If one day I were to run away from this place, what would happen to them?

Anyway, I should eat before I faint. Now that reminds me I should check up on that man. I hope his condition looks better now. After grabbing a price of bread, I went back to my room. I twisted the doorknob but didn't see anyone on the bed.

Where did he go? Was he awake the whole time? What about his wound? I panicked since he was an injured person, and not only that, but he went missing. I searched my room for a note, and there was one on the table. It said, "Thank you for saving my life. I owe you one. I'll make sure to come back and repay you."

Since he was that energetic to get out of bed and leave, it looks like his condition has gotten better. Let's just pray that he's alright and safe. Not knowing I was frowning, I heard a cat's meow, and once I turned my back, I jumped a bit, shocked to see a black cat walking towards me.

I picked the cat up, but it hissed at me, telling me to bring him down. I guess he's not the type of cat who wants to be touched. Instead, I bent my knees and started at his yellow eyes. It was beautiful; it was like the color of the sun.

"You're eyes. I love them," I giggled while the cat looked at me intently. Well, it's not like it knows what it means. Before standing up, I petted the cat's head then went ahead to change the bedsheets.

Now that you think about it, how did this cat get in? Maybe when he walked out of the house, the cat slipped in? I looked at the cat once more then shook my head. It's just a cat; it won't harm me. Not only that, but keeping a cat at home wouldn't be that bad.

"That's right, have you eaten, little one?" I asked and heard him meow out loud, seeing his eyes sparkle. "You must have been hungry. But can you wait just a little bit longer? I have to bring the bedsheets to the laundry area," The cat sat and meowed out loud and licked his paws. This cat is smart. Asides from Rustel, this cat is smart, but it's just their furs are different.

After bringing the bedsheets to the laundry area, I went back to my room and replaced the empty mattress with a newer bedsheet. Now that it is done, I grabbed a bag under my bed. Then brought out a food can. It's a good thing I always have extras left at home.

"I still have some things to finish. Is it alright for you to be alone in my room?" I asked, but the cat didn't bother to answer me and jumped on my bed, ready to sleep. "I'll take that as a yes then," I giggled then closed the door.

I entered the back door of the mansion but was greeted by my cousin. I lowered my head, then asked, "Is there anything you need?" Though it sounded rude, I had no intentions for it to sound that way. But he didn't reply to me. I asked once more, but again he didn't answer. It was just like that time. But I know he isn't sleepwalking since it was afternoon.

It scared me the fact he could do anything to me, but the last time he didn't attack me. But I was wrong. Out of nowhere, I heard him growling and charging towards me. I dodged his attack, but his reflexes were faster than mines.

I thought it would be the end of me, but I saw a man in black hair jumping in the middle of us. He knocked my cousin on his nape, then dropping him onto the ground. The man with black hair turned his back and walked towards me.

Of course, I didn't know him and thought he would hurt me, but instead, he offered me a hand. I just realized his eyes were yellow like the cat she just had taken in. Not only that, but I can feel his aura. His aura isn't normal; it's as if he was a demon.

But what would a demon be here in this place? Now that you mention it, my cousin went crazy. Is he alright? I was about to walk towards my cousin to check him up, but the man with black hair and yellow eyes stopped me.

"If I were you, don't get close to him," He said. This man was unlike the man she saved. This man was less bulky and shorter. Not only that, but he has a calming and cold aura.

"Why?" I asked since it was only right to help my cousin, who was knocked out on the ground.

"Not yet. The dark spirit hasn't left. I knew there was something wrong in this place, tch," He muttered while brushing his hair back.

"Uhm…will he be alright?" I asked, but the man sighed heavily as if he was frustrated with all the questions I've been asking.

"Just wait. I'll remove it out of him," He said and walked towards my cousin. Not within a minute, I saw a black cloud coming out of my cousin and saw him devour it. My eyes widen, seeing something very unfamiliar. But at least I'm not wrong. This man is a demon.

"I'll tell you everything once we get back into your room. Being out here is dangerous despite you being the only maid in this old, filthy mansion."

Thank you for reading! see you in the next update!

anlaS0creators' thoughts