
Boss fight

Another couple of months has passed and I am now pretty close to 15 years old, I just got home from Aerin's place, as I am once again on my garden. Right now I am collecting all the necessary plant seeds I would need and putting them in my pockets because today, me and Sis decided to have a spar once again.

In these last couple of months, I really focused on developing my plant magic. As I slowly grew an arsenal of spells, revolving plants. I didn't forget to practice my basic spells as well, as they were still pretty useful on their own.

"Welp, here is a year's worth of effort." as I walked to our usual sparring spot, the pond where we took a bath with Mom once.

As I arrived there, a notable difference from before is that there is now a clear area where there is only grass. Though we didn't do it intentionally, our spars got more intense as time went on and the surroundings slowly got cleared as a result. Though of course, Celine won the vast majority of them.

I waited for some time, before Celine finally arrived. We always arrived in different times, as to not let Mom know about our spars. After all, she doesn't like the idea of them.

"Hello, did you wait for long?" Sis asked me,

"Not really, I practiced for a bit so it's not like I'm bored" I replied before immediately casting a wind spell, I always did this just in case I get lucky and catch her off guard.

"Gale!" as winds blew from the direction of my body, I secretly scattered some seeds. Celine wasn't that surprised, as she put up a stone wall without saying anything. Feeling a rumbling in my feet, I jumped away from my current position. And immediately, a large geyser of water came out from my previous location.

I tried to find her, but the stone wall she erected blocked my view. I then heard a falling sound, as I looked up to the sky and saw her free falling. It seems that she rode the geyser that she put up, and is now coming down, with large chunks of ice.

"Flame torrent!" I quickly cast, as flamethrowers shot out from both of my arms as she can't dodge mid-air. However instead of letting the chunks of ice collide against the ground, she quickly melted them, before turning them to fog while having a chunk of ice tank the flamethrower for her. I knew of this trick already, I once thought that we would be both disadvantaged at the fog as we both couldn't see. But it turns out she can sense the fog like it's a part of her body, and all she has to do is find the spot where she couldn't sense anything. Because that is where I would be.

I quickly covered my nose and erected a human shaped rock, as I dug down. She didn't fall for it of course, and instead made the fog turn to frost. That was the reason I lost once, as I breathed in some of the fog, she quickly turned all of them into ice and that REALLY hurt. It would have been fatal if some got into my lungs. But because Sis has no knowledge of the respiratory system, she wasn't aware of how deadly it could've gotten.

Well of course, I told her how deadly that was after, and for her to do it again means she's confident that I'm no longer inside her fog. However that was what I was waiting for, as the ice fell down the ground. I quickly casted-

"Grasping roots!" as the seeds that I scattered immediately grew into wooden vines. She was clearly surprised about seeing magic she never saw before, but she still knew that it must be somehow related to me. She was about to snap her fingers to light up burn the incoming vines, when I melted the ice that she created, to soak the vines with water.

Now she would need to cast a way stronger fire spell, to burn through the vines. Of course, I wouldn't let her cast that. As my spell hit and coiled around her limbs, while a different plant with wide leaves covered her mouth. She really looked surprised as her eyes were wide open as they stared at me.

I made sure to restrict her limbs and her mouth, as she could cast her magic from both of them, potentially freeing herself.

"Well, this is m-" I was just about to declare my victory when I saw her eyes wide open as her pupils started to glow blue, and veins started to appear around her eyes.

Dark ice then started to appear just below her foot, before quickly surging upwards as she encased herself in a thick layer of ice. As she was protected in her tomb of ice, I was planning to cast fire magic to perhaps break through the ice while she immobilized herself. But then violent waters started to surge around her Ice Tomb, they didn't stop uprooting vines until the only vines that remained were the ones who was frozen with her.

Before she atleast needed to wave her hand or snap her fingers, when she was doing chantless casting. But now she literally cast magic with just her eyes. Was that possible? I never heard about such a thing, Mom was way stronger than both of us, but she never taught us anything about that.

Oh my god sis, it's just a spar. Though I don't have any right to talk, as I literally studied a new field of magic just to win as well. Fuck, both of us are trying hard in this one.

The dark ice then shattered into pieces, as she came out basically scot-free. Well, now I can't rely on the element of surprise to win.

"Were those vines your secret plan for victory?" Sis said while rubbing her eyes like she just woke up from her sleep,"Fufu, to think you also came up with something new by yourself."


I wasn't gonna let her have her monologue, as I quickly touched the ground with a seed in hand. The plant immediate blossomed, as thick, thorny vines scattered around the entire field, before shooting up. Chanting "Searing Fire!" I quickly light those vines up in flames.

The fire quickly crawled into her direction, as she coated herself in a ball of water. However that didn't put out the flames, as I used wind magic to intensify the fire. Smoke was now in the area, as it blocked our view.

"Glacial Shards", I panicked when I heard her cast with her voice. She usually can cast simple spells, with her limbs alone. But for her to actually chant, this one must be pretty strong. I cast a stone wall as a barrier, however nothing came. Instead I heard her nimble footsteps, as she was instantly behind me.

She was close to pinning me down, when she was stopped by a few vines, that wrapped her limbs from behind. She probably assumed that, my plant magic were like normal elemental magic, once fired they were essentially out of your control. But it doesn't work that way, they linger around for a couple of minutes, in which I could still freely control them. Her lack of experience fighting this type of magic, led to her first defeat in a long time.

I was worried that she was gonna use her eyes to cast magic again, so I quickly covered it as well. Though I wouldn't be surprised if she had a limit to it.

We were both unconsciously holding back in our spars, as we didn't want to do any real harm to the other. After all, if we get any bruises then Mom might see it. So the victor is decided by the one who had an opportunity to land an attack, before stopping themselves.

"Haaaah, Well Sis, It seems I won this time." I didn't even need to pretend that I was happy, because I was happy for real.

I quickly released her and she looks kind of lost as she didn't seem to expect losing. Well she did as best as she could, with the knowledge she was given. It was just a single loss though, a loss that required months of preparation from me. If she knew more about my magic then she could've won more convincingly, but she didn't. So now my win-loss ratio improved slightly as it is now a beautiful, 3-46.

Quickly standing up, I quickly put out the fire I started earlier, though it might sound like the surroundings got messy, it really didn't. As my plant magic, would wither on it's own and all the water magic would just be absorbed to the ground. The only mess we really needed to clean up was the stone walls we erected, which could be easily fixed with magic as well.

Knowing what a victory meant, I was waiting for sister to clean up the damage her spells did while I thought of what I should make her do afterwards. After all, it's not like she was pretty merciful when she was the one winning.

3rd chap in a row without any ecchi scenes.

I'm shit at writing fighting scenes, so this might be the only detailed fight in the story. The only reason I wrote this, is because it's necessary for 'plot'.

Also someone tell me if some oral 'fun' is within the rules of WN. Asking for a friend here...

Fnatic_Fancreators' thoughts