
A Giant, Mean Fox Made Me And Orphan

I was born September 10th in the village of Konohagakure to Mebuki Haruno, my mother, a prominent merchant. And my father, Kizashi Haruno, a Jonin ninja. He was a kind-faced man with blue eyes and dull-pink hair which is styled into the shape of cherry blossom. I was born Sakura Haruno, a girl with dazzling pink hair, and sharp emerald green eyes. My face shape took after my past lives, from the comments of my parents. I probably looked more like a boy, probably because of my soul altering a bit of my genetics and appearance.

My parents were very kind, my mother stayed home with me most of the time while my father did basic missions around the village, so he didn't have to go far. He wanted to be there for the first part of my life is what he said to my mother. This was the first real display of parental affection I had ever had, as my parents in the past sold me off to the army. And the six years I was with them they were too bust scraping enough money for us to live instead of showing affection to me.

Being a baby is quite exhausting. I don't do much other than poop, eat, and sleep. My parents think I'm a quiet child because I only cry when I need something and don't cause them a headache like most babies. I have been constantly using my chakra to cycle through my body, and can now do it for a solid twenty minutes, compared to only one cycle when I was just born. I've also been working on my muscles by wriggling all my limbs. By constantly using my left and right the same, I'm preparing myself to be ambidextrous, something that will probably help me in my ninja career.

Something odd about my Chakra though was its pink coloring. If I had to guess, I would assume it was due to that odd pink lightning bolt that struck me. But then again, this could be a very serious birth defect. I also noted my very high amount of Chakra, I had only figured this out after comparing it to my mother's. I had figured I could sense a person's Chakra, but only when I was very close to them. I would have to work on this in the future. My Chakra was almost as much as hers, a fully grown adult at only one-month-old.

I had decided to become a ninja the second the influx to my brain came, how the hell can I be safe if I know some people can shoot flames out of their mouth and I'm just a civilian! I was going to cross-dress as a boy too, didn't care what my parents thought. I'm a boy, eighteen years of that and I won't just randomly accept I'm a girl. Along with that, shinobi are more accepted than kunoichi. Not sure why, in my old world as long as you could shoot you were accepted. Didn't matter if you were a girl or a boy.

Anyway, it's been a month since I was born. The date today was October tenth, and the second I opened my eyes I felt that today would be a disaster. Little did I know, this day was one of the most disastrous in Konohagakure's history.

It started as an ordinary day, I woke up like usual, except for that ominous feeling of something dangerous coming. My mom came into my room like always and lifted me out of my crib, cooing me and hugging me to her. As usual, we all ate around the table, me in my mom's lap while she breastfeeds me and my dad having a hearty breakfast, a ninja's gotta eat.

My dad went out to do whatever he did as always. While my mom stayed home with me. The ominous feeling kept getting closer though.

It was noon when it happened. A tremendous roar rang throughout Konoha. Along with the siren signaling for civilians to head for the shelter. My mom wrapped me up and quickly ran out of the house. That's when we saw it.

It was huge, a giant red fox that I would say was around three hundred meters. I instantly started crying as it's a huge amount of killing intent soaked the air.

As we were going to the shelter, I could feel the things abnormal, demonic chakra soak the air as it tried to invade my body. I quickly sent my own chakra to combat it and saw something amazing. My Chakra started to absorb the demonic chakra and purify it! I noticed though I was quickly filling up on Chakra and that I would soon burst like a balloon, so I started making it run fast paces throughout my body and let it soak into my muscles. I couldn't let this chakra sink into me, it was poisonous and would do high damage to my potential, I could tell. I assumed that there would significantly fewer ninjas after this, with all the children being polluted with this demonic chakra.

As we were approaching the shelter my world suddenly seemed to slow down. I watched in horror as a piece of debris, sharp as kunai, was suddenly sailing towards us. The ninja at the entrance to the bunker must have seen it too because he was quickly running towards us. I watched in slow motion as she piece of debris came closer and closer to my mother, and the ninja sprinted as fast as he could towards us.

Blood squirted out as the piece of debris perfectly pierced my mother's heart. My eyes widened in horror as she fell in slow motion, letting me loose from her grasp. The ninja quickly caught me before I hit the floor, as I stared down in horror at my now dying mom. She looked up at me before giving her last final smile.

"Sakura, I love you so much, I'm sorry I have to leave you this early though. Promise me you'll be a good girl." She said before her eyes rolled over. I instantly burst into tears, as the ninja who caught me looked at me sympathetically.

He carried me back towards the shelter at a much faster pace than my mother. I just kept crying, one of the only people to only show my parental warmth had just died in front of me, and I was stuck in this pathetic body that couldn't even crawl! As he brought me into the shelter, I saw many families huddled up together, shivering in fear. I also saw many other lone children crying and wailing, like myself. I saw many people that were also injured too. Some missing arms, some with nasty cuts on themselves, and some with just some minor bruises.

The medic ninja was working furiously to appease everyone from what I could tell. The ninja brought me over to another group of newborns.

I was there for what seemed like an eternity before we were all brought out of the shelter. I looked around to see the village devastated. There were corpses of very unfortunate people, and all the buildings looked to be destroyed. It was a horrifying state and I could see some of the younger kids that were aware, puking from seeing the amount of blood that littered the streets. I could still feel the demonic energy that seeped the air throughout the village.

I and the group of new-borns were lead to what I could only assume was a make-shift orphanage. The fact that my father never came back to the shelter led me to only one conclusion. He was one of the ninjas who had given their lives protecting the village. I wanted to break down and cry again right then and there, but I knew I had to move past this.

It hadn't even been a day before all the citizens and shinobi were called to the shoddily put together town square. I'm not sure why the caretaker even bothered to take all of us, after all the makeshift orphanage was quickly being filled with kids. But here we were. A person stepped up onto the platform, from the hat he was wearing and my knowledge, I could only assume he was the Hokage.

"Hello citizens and shinobi of the leaf village, we are gathered here today to honor those who had given their lives protecting us from the demon fox that had attacked our village. Unfortunately, our dear fourth Hokage had fallen in battle against it, along with his wife. Therefore, I have been re-instated as the Hokage of Konohagakure. But in this time of need, I want all of us to work together, and we will pull through this as one! Even though some of the leaves have fallen, new ones will grow again in the spring! We just have to make it through winter." Everyone around us cheered, I guess this old man was quite the public speaker. It was quite the metaphor if I did say so myself. We were brought back to the orphanage. I planned to get out of here as soon as I could though, there were too many kids so I doubt they would really be able to treat us all.

Damnit, my whole life was just switched from easy to hard mode.
