
Pig or an immortal. Who will you choose?

His arms crossed on his chest he took a step aside and then walked away leaving the armed fujoshi alone with her. Whatever Rui Li decided to do Rui Yewan would support her and besides, Ji Yao was gone and there was little chance that they would get into trouble.

Rui Li sneered as the blade made a thin cut on the woman's neck. Blood slowly seeped down her neck staining Rui Li's blade. A malicious glint flashed in her eyes as she spoke up, "I am sorry my hand is a little shaky so if I accidentally slash your throat don't blame me."

The woman wanted to plead for her life but her voice couldn't come out. Even her servants were so terrified that they were trembling while helplessly watching them on the side.

It was unknown whether they would be dragging home a corpse of their Madam but one thing was for certain, they didn't want to join her at the bridge of forgetfulness drinking Meng Po's soup. Hence none of them pled on her behalf.
