
If you leave me again I won't forgive you

"You are so troublesome," he whispered as he raised his body a little and kissed Ji Yao's lips deeply. Ji Yao's sweet scent intensified enveloping him. The sexual tension between them amplified but knowing Ji Yao well there was no way he was going to go that far.

An hour later Ji Yao was back to his old self with his hair neatly tied and his robe tidied to perfection. Satiated with both sustenance and sex he walked out of his cabin with Rui Fei trailing behind him.

Just as he stepped his foot on the main deck the crew that had been busying themselves turned to look at him a little curious as to how their captain was still able to stand after vanishing for an entire night.

They thought it but didn't have the balls to actually walk up to Ji Yao and ask. It was the three musketeers who rushed over and the most excited amongst them was Tong Tong who immediately made a move to hug Ji Yao's waist.
