
A true survivor

Xiaoyu was the so-called corpse with emerald hair that the fisherman had accidentally caught in his net. A lot had transpired after she got on that rowboat, from almost dying of dehydration to fighting a megalodon shark for the elixir that literally brought her downfall.

While drifting at sea and on the brink of death she saw that familiar crystal bottle, that the Yinying creature had lured her with causing her to betray Ji Yao, floating on the water surface. At first, she thought she was hallucinating but after rubbing her eyes several times she finally realised it was real.

It must have been blasted into the sea when the Yinying creature had been defeated but what were the chances that this crystal bottle would find her in the vast sea? Before she had little hope to be with Ji Yao but now she was certain that they were meant to be together.
