
Dog blood drama

Throughout history, pirates were rumoured to be boorish savage people with little regard for human life. This was also true of the concord but their barbarism mostly manifested itself in front of a lavish feast and wine.

When they geared up in a merry mood they became very loud and rowdy in enjoyment. The overseer of Lequ didn't hold back generously giving them the best of the best showing his true sincerity.

Ji Yao suspected that he was only doing this to butter him up so he would go easy on them when it came time to hand over half his treasury. Ji Yao tried to enjoy his meal but for some reason, he found the food tasteless despite being served with sweet things that were to his taste.

Instead of a pleasant sweetness on his tongue, a sour feeling lingered on and no matter how many pieces of cake he had it wouldn't go away.
